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What's wrong in the Rox comunity?

2 replies

Hello people:

Lately I’ve realised that, sometimes, the most trivial comment is enough to start a bitter argument here. If we all are here is because we want to share out point of view, make friends... after all, to have a good time sharing our “Roxette experience”, which is an excuse to have some interaction between us.

But sometimes, due to intolerance and egocentrism, this has turned into an unpleasant place to share any ideas. And we all are responsible about this situation, in some extent. Myself included, because I know I am not a saint and not as much tolerant as I’d like to be.

Well, now you can shoot me if you want. But I had to say this.

well maybe ’just maybe’ its when you keep sending emails hassling people ! its rude and annoying and makes me very cross ! ! But no thats not a good enough explantion for some ! lol. The Obvious is the common answer.

Sorry, but the poor guy was praising the Marie songs and then you threw the “buy it then!” psalm in his nose. That annoyed me too, because there was no need, because he was not asking for anything. And in case he did, you just have to ignore him, that’s all.

But anyway, this is a space for reflection, agreement and reconciliation. Let’s stop the arguments for a while, please.


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