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Gessle or Nordin ?

31 replies

After being married with Per, what’s tha surname of Asa, it continued being Nordin or changed to Gessle ? i don’t know ifthe surnames changes or not in Sweden when a woman got married, here in Spain don’t change.

[email protected]

Sometimes she’s written as Åsa Nordin-Gessle and sometimes as Åsa Gessle!
That’s all I know! Hope it help you!

i think she‘s got a double name now:

is marie “fredriksson-bolyos”? or just fredriksson?

As far as I know, names are Nordin-Gessle and Fredriksson.

It’s Åsa Nordin Gessle and Marie Boloys, Marie is just Fredriksson as an artist nowadays. And couples married after 1986 in Sweden do not hyphenate their last names, if they choose to use both.

Really? Did Marie change her last name while Asa kept it?

i would want to change my last name if I married somebody like PER! =)

For Per, but for no one else!!!

so it’s Asa Nordin and Marire Bolyos, isn’t it?

[email protected]

Hej Dan, what happend to you??? I didn´t heard from you for a long time...
Åsa´s last name is Nordin-Gessle. But I don´t know how is it with Marie. As actor she kept name Fredriksson but... I read a bulletin about houses in Djursholm and in the magazine it was wrote Gun-Marie Bolyos!!! So I think we should ask Marie...

Hej, why we don´t ask Per at He should know it!!!

It’s Marie Bolyos....believe me!

sorry Andrea, i’m in exams, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee excuse me for not have written before, can you excuse me ?

Well, Per called his wife in the booklet to the “Halmstads Pärlor” CD an “underestimated feminist”. So I guess she wouldn’t have chaged her name...

And about Marie: Why is she still signing with “Fredriksson” if she had changed her name????

I guess everybody’d look reeeally surprised if she’d sign with Bolyos suddenly... ;o) It’s probably just that it’s always been “Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson”, so she just kept it for roxette.

Marie said that she’s signing with “Fredriksson” because everybody is used to it! (in Roxette-area)
Private she is signing with Bolyos of course

Hi together!
I think, that Per is very habby with Åsa and Gabriel. Åsa must know, witch Name what she want.

won’t be more babies ? just Gabriel, Josefin and Oscar ?

do you want more babies or not ?

tevensso already gave the answer, so why keep on asking?

In the “The change” documentary, one of the guys in the studio actually asks Marie about her surname. Fredriksson continues to be her artist’s name, in private it’s Bolyos.

Ha, I knew about Gessle Nordin but not about Maries name..

You learn something new every day..

accually Åsas lastname is Gessle, Nordin is just a middlename...

I definately will change my name to Gessle if i were married to Per :D :D

Daniel: That’s just a legal technicality.

dan-rox opened this topic almost 4 years ago.

åsa nordin-gessle, I think. I don´t remember where I read the name but I´m sure that´s is the right name!

Åsa Nordin Gessle, once again.

If people want to fight it out, leave them to it.

I saw a Swedish magazine that had snooped around and found the names of the owners of houses in Sweden. Marie’s house is owned by Marie Bolyos. They even had the title deed, and it was signed by Marie Bolyos in Marie’s exact signature but with the different last name. As someone mentioned, in the Change documentary she says that Bolyos is her private name and Fredriksson is an artist name. She will NOT ever sign an autograph as Marie Bolyos, my friend asked Marie to sign a wedding photo with her married name and she refused to do it.

@lonely_girl: Really? Did he write “underestimated feminist”? Asa? Feminist? lol...That’s hard to picture...what else does she do except keeping her maiden name to “prove” she’s a feminist? (i’m half joking but still wondering how exactly “feministic” gestures work in a gessle world?...haha...) As far as I know, per is not really found on feminist ideas; and as far as I can notice, Asa’s general behaviour and role don’t have much in commun with feminism. But well, who am I to judge? hehe

Well, I guess it´s better for Asa to be called Nordin-Gessle. That gives her the chance of call herself sometimes only Nordin if she doesn´t want everyone to know that she is the wife of Per GESSLE. Maybe because of that...


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