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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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other Per-lovers??

61 replies

hey roxette-lover
same as you!! did you read what i said? by the way i was jellous at Marie and not Asa... hehehe

Just went through the “go Marie” topic and I wonder how many of you do admire Per as I do?

I was in love with him (92/93) and I do like his music, livestile...

I absolutely LOVE the way he looks... ;)

count me in :)

i gotta say that im crazy for anyone who looks like him. i am a gessle girl

well to tell you the truth... i was in love with per when i was 10, now im 20 and i see everything totally diferent... and i guess im not crazy for Per like before...

He’s really cool guy :))
I adore him

Here –> ME

Per is cool. I like him, but Marie is my true queen and goddess!

Hehe another MF fan here...

Hi Bibi, you here too! Poor krisy, she must be mad at us - even here when we are supposed to talk about Per, we talk about MF!:-)))))

Hej! This is a really cool idea!! ;-)
Another MARIEFAN!!
Did I say before that she’s the most wonderful woman on earth, with an anglevoice?? ;-))

... and she is also the most beautiful, talented, stylish, gold-hearted, caring, natural, awesome, cool, creative, fantastic... God, I could continue this list forever!

I like Marie, but I LOVE Per!
I love the way he looks.
Specially the CBB era.
That long-haired Per was so cute...
We can’t forget: He’s the best songwritter in this world!

...just logged in to support krisy... ;o)

I’m a rox fan for ten years now and I’ve always been more fascinated by Per than by Marie. It’s not that I not really adore her, but Per... I think he’s a great person, I like his sense of humour A LOT and he’s just cool, isn’t he? ;o) And though I’m female I’ve never been in love with him. Well, of course I love him in some way but just the same way I love Marie. I never wanted to marry him, get five children blablabla...


...anybody here to support krisy ’n me...

@roxing-jane, bibi, rainbowgirl...

AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! ;o) HI! Nice to see you again.

...I love her music, her way of dancing, her way of performing Songs, her livevoice, her way of acting in videos, her smile, her laughing, ......blabla...!!
She’s perfect!!
@Bibi: Go on!


well, i fell in love with per when i was 10. so he‘s been with me all the time ( I‘m 20 now).
i love his look, his voice,his hair, his smile..everything!
he became sort of illusion of men to me..
when i first met him i was crying all over, but that was after the meeting luckily!
that has been 4 years ago.
even if i don‘t cry anymore i still get very nervous when seeing him. per was my first “big love” if you can say that and i‘m sure a part of mine will always love him, but its not that teenage-love it surely has been a long time...
i know my feelings have changed because
in my old days i was more than jealous on asa, now i just wish them all the best.
hope he gets just happy,
he made me happy with videos,music, pictures as well all the years i was in bad mood
i think i just have to thank him for being per.

“I think I have to thank him for just being Per” That’s sweet, really!! ;o) And very well said...

Biiiiiiig Per fan here!!!!!

Do the Perfans disturb you Mariefans in your topic too? ;o) Not nice!

Ups, I was there, but not to disturb them...

Hi, I must admit that I had a crush on Per from ’89 till about ’92. After that I just liked him and I still do. But this time around I’m more impressed by Marie (because of her solo albums).
Last week though, I watched a lot of old videos with a friend of mine and felt a bit ackward, because I was thinking about how cute he looked. That was a long time ago! Maybe it never ends, just like the love for Roxette?

When I began to be a Roxette fan, I could absolutely not understand that ANYONE is a Roxette fan because of Per... I was just into Marie at once. I just started to look at him closer when all my (Roxette-)friends told me all the time how cute he is and so on. I would never really have “noticed” him without that.
Funny, huh?!
By the way, I really like Per very, very much. He is a very symphathetic and intelligent person.


I always love Per’s stuff!! My rock idol!!

Oh sorry, the Perfans want to be on their own!! Sorry, sorry, sorry!!
By the way: Marie rules!! :-)

@rox74ever :
no i haven‘t i found it out afterwards..

and yes, i was jealous on marie too :)

Per rules forever!!!!!!!!!!!
What roxette-lover said discribes perfectly my feelings I have for Per!
There’s nothing more to say!
I will love Per in some way forever and I thank God that Per exists!



I think that both Per and Marie were needed to get the right roxette-sound. But i went to a concert and they both came on the catwalk. Most of the people around me started to yell Marie Marie!! i always say that i would never do that!! But roxette is both PER AND MARIE (Per THE songwriter and Marie with her special voice) So I started yelling PER PER and i didn’t regret it. He’s is a great person too(seems to be, because i never spoke to him)!! And the one who keep in touch with the fans when they had a break for a few years

rox74ever...why are you jealous with Marie and not Åsa?

I’m one of these really rare ROXETTE-fans...I love them both in a very specia way!! My poor heart is very busy! :)

Yes, I’ve always been a “Per guy” but it really is the combination of Per’s amazing writing ability and Marie wonderful voice (not forgetting Per’s also got a really nice voice, and their voices also fit together really nicely) that makes Roxette the greatest band on the planet.

Aside from the music part, they were both warm and friendly when I met them in Seattle a couple of years back. They seemed truly greatful that I appreciated their music.

THat said, when you get to their respective other projects, it’s hands down Per Per Per for me. His solo stuff is amazing, especially TWATG. GT simply kicks ass, the Lonely Boys was GREAT, and everything he writes for others is also fab. I do enjoy some of Marie’s solo stuff (like Tro... great song) but overall, it just doesn’t “do it” for me like Per’s does. Not to say it’s not good, that’s just my preference...

Wow also many MF fans here...=)! Hehe we are everywhere :-)!!!

Didn’t wanted to split the “Per fans” from those of Marie. I admire both, but I prefer the stuff of GT ’cause it’s a bit more louder as long as I can jugde it... And that’s what I need at the moment.

or even a DARRRRRRLING!!!!!!! I am absolutely crazy about the guy himself, the music he makes, the power he gives me, I love Per in ALL ways, till the end!

Yeah...gyllene_tjej...yeah.....!!!! But he don’t need to know! :))))))

Are there any Roxers here that love both Per and Marie more or less the same like I do?!
I have been through different kind of stages being a rox fan I guess, but now I know I can say I love them both just soooooooooooo much.
One day it can be Per who’s my fave but the next day it can be Marie again and on the RS tour I was having quite a hard time, because unless the Per and the Marie fans in the audience I was trying to see what both of them were doing at the same time at every show!!!
Maybe I can say that I cost double so much energy to love them both equally???!!! :)))))))

well, no one agrees with my “Marie should pose nude”.... what about Per?

Per posing nude... nahhh... i don’t know. I DON’T want it like that... then the magic of the unknown would be sort of gone... Luckily, he would never do it, huh? :)

posted twice...see below

we asked marie for a tour.... why dont we make a “WE WANT PER IN PLAYGIRL”-site? *ggg*

and here one of my kinky little one-liners for u’r pelasure:

Gellnerbabe is not a chick, coz hes got the biggest d...errrm...yeah *g*

For me it´s so selfclear that Per is the greatest. I mean, he´s the one writing the beatiful and funny lyrics, he´s the one writing the cool music. And he´s the one who has got the look. But I probably would think different of the latest if I was a man... Marie is the one singing most of the songs and even though I really love here voice and everything, I like the songs Per´s singing even more.

I really agree with mambo. roxette is BOTH Per and marie. I think that many people (who are not rox-fans) thinks that marie is roxette. And that´s not strange, I mean, she is the one everybode sees. But If there was no Per, she wouldn´t have as good songs to sing. But if there was no marie, per on the other hand would have no one to ask singing his songs. oh, well he could ask anyone, but no one would do it just as good as marie. Per sings very good he too, but he can´t sing songs like LTYH, IMHBL, MTH blablabla... ´the songs per is singing, like crush on you, jefferson, I love the sound..., The Big L. and such is really good, but I want marie-songs too. The best thing with roxette is the mix. SO KEEP ON SINGING, BOTH MARIE AND PER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew you’d be down for it Gee! :)

I knew you’d be down for it Gee!! :)


got some more, shud i post ’um? ;)))

I have always been a fan cause of Per,,, he’s like me in many types of ways, or maybe I’m like him....

Marie? Who,, she is nothin compared to Per...:-)

Here, here! Count me in!
Per är kung!



I like Per very much... but only musically! :D

I guess I’ll regret bringing this back to life, but once this was the most successful thread on TDR:

So I guess you’re not alone.

someone was really bored ;-)

And who doesn´t love Per? :)

He is definitely nr. 2 on my list at least.

I am a Marie fan, and for me she completes Roxette. I like Per, but thats it. I cant imagine why anyone would fancy him?! I would rather sleep with Marie and i am a gay man

Marie is my life!

And Per is FANTASTIC. He’s the king!

Per = as PERfect as a man can be...

Of course!!!!!!I love him... He´s so:
-and BEST!!!!!!!!

LOL @ Ncurran, I’d rather sleep with Marie too and I’m a straight woman! But, to be honest I had a huge crush on Per when I was 13.

I sooo adore them both... or no I don’t know it depends on my mood haha

I wanna marry the bugger gorgeous inside and definately out ive watched him for 6 months EVERY day believe it. and if zelda i think.. reads this im in nsw dubbo were u from?


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