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ahh I met PER!!!

60 replies

just have to say this, I am so dam happy!
last wednesday I met, guess who??!! PER HÅKAN GESSLE!!!

me and my friend knows where he lives, so we went to his gate and saw that his car stood there, so we realized that he actually was at home.. and we waited, and the ambassad of Sri lanka is in the same house where per lives, and there came out a lot of men from there, that looked at us and pointed and laughed. Hrrm that was not very funny, I think they understood why we were there, since I hold roses in my hand.. but anyway, we stood there during 1 hour and when we were thinking to go to a café or something, it was quite cold outside, the gate opened and Gabriel Gessle went out... I think my heart was going to stop beating, and he was so cute!!! he had half long hair and a cap, and he smiled a bit curious to us... after him came Åsa and she smiled too actually. And then... came Per!!!! ahhh when I saw his back I almost screamed!!! My friend ran to him with the flowers and said “per please take these” and he said that they were going to travel so he had not much time, but he took them. Then he allowed us to take a picture of him, and aaaah I hugged him!!! he smelled so nice haha, I will never forget that smell... and then he got into the car and said “have a nice day” to us (have a nice day hehe...) I am so happy, one of my dreams has become reality!!! =D=D=D=D=D

I met him for two weeks ago and I cant forget his smell to =) I touch his fingers and that was soooo wonderful!!

It´s a very nice story!

WOW! That’s great, girls!!!
I’m happy for you. (-:
It would be great to see the picture of you...

did you get wet?

Hey great story.

Reminds me of a film I once saw with a rabbit and a hot pan of water.

it was really great, I am very happy that I live in sweden hehe... it’s my birthday to day, and that was my best birthdaypresent ever =D



It was a great birthday present indeed... wow!

“ambassad of Sri lanka is in the same house where per lives”????:))))

didn’t know that, is that true?:D do you have any pictures/images of this place?:)

pg_91 please upload your picture with per! i would love to see it.

Is it April 1st... ;)

@ally, *laughing my ass off, couldn’t agree more* mean it is a joke ??

abit over the top isnt it ? sorry but thats what i think, if someone was waiting for me outside my house id be well freaked out LOL, leave the poor bugger alone, but same time glad you enjoyed the experience :-)

ps lol @steven also.

lmao @ Steven! Cruel but funny! Some fans go a little loopy in the presence of their idols, but don’t be too hard on ’em!

I’ve never liked the idea of waiting at their houses, but from what I’ve heard from other fans, both Marie and Per usually do stop and sign so I guess they’re not too bothered by it or they would rush inside. That’s what I’d do personally if I was a star, I wouldn’t want to encourage people outside my family home by signing for them, especially when I have kids!

Did I mention I am taking my tent and sleeping bag to Halmstad in two weeks, I inend to set up home outside Per’s house for the weekend till he comes and talks to me! :)

hm I can maybe lay out the picture, but then I have to get it first, my friend took it with her digitalcamera, and she doesn’t have it on the computer right now. (she’s with her mother now, the pic is in the computer where her father lives)
I think it would be quite bothering with fans outside my door every day too, but it wouldn’t do so much if they not are doing things like trying to get inside the gate, or put on the bell or something...

ooh I really hope that I will meet him again, and then I will take an autograph and speak a bit with him (if I not will faint hehe) I will maybe go to halmstad in the summer, and I will certainly go to stockholm. And none else expect me that wish a concert next summer? :D

Ally: don’t joke, people have seriously done that! My friends spent summer in Halmstad a few years ago, and Per’s house was quite near the busstop. Every day my friends caught the bus to the beach, they pass about 20 Germans who were camped outside Per’s house. My friends were also big fans, and they said the German group would look at them like they were insane for going to the beach and missing a chance to slobber all over Per!
I also met a guy in a chat who spent the whole day outside Marie’s house with a group singing her songs until she came out and told them to shut up and leave.

Btw PG thanks for sharing your meeting, a lot of fans prefer to keep stuff like that to themselves!

LOL poor Marie!!! it must have been horrible to sit home and hear people sing your precious songs.. out of tune and shouting... (A concert ok.. it is rather disguissed in there due to the music ;)

One should always have a bit of water ready ;)

I have also seen the “Let’s go on holidays to Halmstad” which for some means being 25/8 at Per’s hotel, not even at the beach but in the hall!, drive in front of his house whenever you go to/from the hotel, rush whenever somebody sends you an sms “he’s here!!” (I wonder how they could survive before the mobile era?) ... that’s what I call holidays :D

Okay, I’m the girl who talked to Per since Pg_91 didn’t. I took the photo, and make sure I WON’t put it up here or send it too her if she’s going to. POOR per I’m just saying. I’m phanatic but I wish I were not.
My friend tobias is right, shoot those germans, and shoot us too if we do that again.

I think it would be cool if Roxette come to my hometown Tauberbischofsheim(near Würzburg)(at the Altstadt Fest)in Germany someday and I would meet them and give them the Golden Otto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Sparvogamarie, I will be Halmstad for a day... but I have no intention of going to Per’s house, only Hotel Tylosand! and I think even if I saw Per I would not bother him.... It’s once thing meeting them through something organised at the FC but bothering them it just plain awful... I refer to an article I once wrote for the Official Roxette Fanclub when it was still based on the UK!, think I was only about 15 at the time, about the same thing.... my morals have not changed!

oh c’mon ally, we can launch eggs at his window until he cracks. I can afford a four month supply. who else is in?

[edit] I’m joking btw

Oh all right then, as long as there free range... lol

I once got offered a ride by some German fans in Halmstad. Very nice of them to do that, but on the way they insisted on stopping at Per’s house and waiting for him. I almost died of embarrassment sinking down in my seat hoping that he wouldn’t come. Thankfully he didn’t and they got bored...actually not bored, they got the news that he had been sighted at Hotel Tylösand so I was dragged there and made to sit in the lobby for an hour. Thank god he didn’t turn up there either and I made my escape!!!! I heard the rest of them waited there the rest of the day (I left around 14:00, and apparently Per was finally spotted at Leifs Lounge around 22:00.) What a waste of a day.

Ally: I remember your article, I thought it was very good and completely agreed with you. Those stalkers should be ashamed of themselves, especially the ones that made Marie sell her Halmstad house. I heard some fans hid in her garden and actually filmed her hanging her laundry!

posted twice

Sparvogamarie 5/10/2005 14:58
Ally: I remember your article, I thought it was very good and completely agreed with you. Those stalkers should be ashamed of themselves, especially the ones that made Marie sell her Halmstad house. I heard some fans hid in her garden and actually filmed her hanging her laundry!

Filming her hanging out the laundry... that is just sick!

yes i agree that filming her is sick, especially after her illnes when she wanted to hide from public.

but i don’t see anything wrong in standing in front of for example per’s gate. it’s natural that people want to see their idols and it’s cost of being famous.

don’t get me wrong, marie situation is very different, after all she been through she needed peace and all the people should respect that.

Oh well, a cost of being famous.... I think everybody has a right to a private life.
All those annoying fans should be thankful they don’t call the police...

Bunio: no they didn’t film her when she was sick, I was talking about when she lived in her Halmstad summer house. She had to sell it around 95 -96 I think, somewhere around then because of fans stealing things from the garden and looking in the windows. She wasn’t sick then, but the fans sure were.

@Santi - are they agresive?are they standing inside? i think not, so per has a lot of privacy and they just want a single photo or autograph. he has made much money on that people so he should understand them. this is partof your life when you are famous.

@Sparvogamarie - i agree. that is huge overkill.

I remember a story about Germans (again...) that they kinda camped very close to Per’s backyard and filmed him whenever he was there. Now, that’s what I call SICK!

germans :) pure evil :))))))

My hairdresser has made a lot of money out of my pocket and everyone would not even think twice to declare me dangerously insane if I was standing at his door the whole day long.

You paid your money and no one forced you to, they sold you a service, that’s what you got. You don’t buy any acquired right together with the record. If you want to see them most musicians sell you another kind of service called “concert”. Even you can go to have your discs signed in some promotional services (“promotional” implies that is to sell more, don’t fool yourself, it’s part of their job).

Are they aggressive? Well, depends. Singing all day long on your door... I find that aggressive. As far as I remember, in western cultures (like mine, and Roxette’s) there is a strong sense of “private space”. Things like looking for a prolonged time thru your windows or forcing you to listen to them shouting at your door invade clearly your private space and for what I feel, it’s aggressive.

Is it illegal? Well, I’m not sure. But law is not justice and there’s a long way until it becomes something similar. In my opinion it should be illegal. For me those fans singing and disturbing Per and Marie are just as bad as Ally’s neighbours (I’m talking about Ally77, as she explains in another thread just today). But take care where you do this kind of things, I heard the other day about a boy who knocked on a door to ask for a direction and the person living in the house shot him down and killed him, and the court supported the shooter... (needless to say, this happened in the USA).

As far as I remember being ill or not everyone has the same rights, so the situation of Marie is not any different. She wants to stay away... ok. But if Per feels bad that day and doesn’t want to see anyone he doesn’t have the right? Imagine he’s got a huge spot on his nose...

Any other doubt?? Let me know.

By the way, according to Allemansrätten you may camp in many places in Sweden, but doing it in someone’s backyard is illegal.

i’m not talking about let’s say hardcore fans, who camp in front of a gate and film every move of per. that’s wrong and even german fans should stop it :))

but i see nothing wrong in waiting for example an hour near celebrity house to see him and get autograph. if per feels bad or got a spot on his nose he simply stays at home and fans are leaving his drive way :)

that’s all, hope you understand what i was trying to say in my poor english :)

I have to say, I think it’s up to the artist themselves to decide. If they have a problem with fans outside their house then they can call the police or hire security to take the fans away. I’m sure Madonna doesn’t talk to fans at her house. But I’ve heard from other fans, and pg_91 is clearly one of them, who say that Marie and Per are quite willing to sign autographs at their homes. It’s their choice how much they will give to fans, they are not forced to come out to meet them. When they are coming and going they can always drive past the fans in their cars, or simply refuse to speak to them. So in that sense pg_91 did nothing wrong, because it was Per’s choice to give autographs and pose for a photo.

Btw Santi I don’t think those fans camped in his actual backyard, I heard Per’s house faces into a beach area and people can camp around there. So they probably weren’t doing anything illegal.

I think it’s embarrassing to wait up in front of their HOUSE! To wait at the concert venue after the gig, or hang around outside a TV studio or a spot where they’ve been invited to do a public show is a completely different thing. Then it’s kinda natural - they know they’re in the limelight then and likely to be hounted by fans. But fans looming in front of their residences, it’s lack of taste and infringing on their privacy - be it curiousity or an urge to get an autograph. That’s at least how I see it.

“and even german fans should stop it”

And even German fans have stopped doing that! ;)

Great for you that you met Per :-) He’s always nice, isn’t he?

it’s hard to camp just outside Per’s backyard as there are many big rocks. Anyway, if you camp anywhere close to a celeb’s house you really need to go to a mental hospital (for those who need that: hopefully your insurance company will pay for ’idol-craziness’;-))

Anyway, to get back to this topic: I’m sure that Per won’t mind if you walk pass his house or appartment, take a look and quietly pass by as long as you don’t shout/call his name, disturb other people (neighbours etc.) and stay on the public road. And he’ll probably will take a few seconds to sign or talk to you :-)
In Marie’s case I think it’s different, certainly now with her recovering. She needs space and a lot of privacy. But she’ll probably talk to you when you meet her somewhere on the street, she’s still human :-)

Would be nice if someone actually met Marie on the street, we need an update. Sparvogamarie come on! ;-)

Actually I’ll be travelling with a camper through Sweden (Hamlstad, Göteborg, Stockholm...) during June. Is it okay to enter the Tylosand lobby to get a look? Do they sell memorablia in there?

Yes, you can enter the hotel (at least I did last summer). If it’s open, you can just walk through to Leif’s lounge, have a look at all the golden records from Roxette and GT, and have a Leif’s Lager at the bar (dont forget to bring the bottle home ;) ) the people at the hotel are really nice btw

ok maybe it was stupid of me to write this, I don’t want to encourage people to stay outside pers gate, if everybody would do that, per would shurely move outside sweden, and we don’t want that... I wrote this because I was happy about my meeting with per (and now I won’t take the honour from my friend, cause she was the one who did everything, gave the flowers to per and everything..) and not to rush other people to go to the house where per, or someone else famous person lives. I won’t go to him again, don’t want to bother him. To camp outside his house, I think that is a bit exaggerated, would you like that someone slept outside your house??!! I wouldn’t. To all of you who have read this: I didn’t want to rush you like I said, just to tell this since I was happy to have met per since I never have done that, nor on a official sign.

Sascha: I saw Marie only twice in my 8 months living here, once zooming by in a car, and actually I saw a brief glimpse of her today! I had a job interview at a place next to the street she lives, and I had to walk by her house to get there. She was standing in her garden. I didn’t stop to stare of course and she was quite far away, but she was dressed very nicely and her hair was the short spiky Marie we know and love! I couldn’t really tell if she was still swollen because I only saw her a few seconds. That’s my big exciting Marie sighting, don’t know if someone has a better one!

Don´t forget not all fans in Germany act like this ill people who follow them everywhere! The people who do this is just a small group of people, the same fans every year, ignore them they are ill and

I wouldn´t camp in front of Pers house why should I do this? I have better thing to do in my holydays in Sweden as to stay the whole day at his house.

ohh came on... we all know that german fans are the worst :) no doubt about it :)))))))))

Yeah, it’s always good to generalize a whole nation. :)

There’s bad fans from every country. It’s just that Germany is close to Sweden so the crazy German fans can easily come over to cause the most trouble. I was talking to a big fan in Argentina and she says she’s ashamed of how the Argentian fans behave, it’s just that Argentina is far away so they can’t fly over and camp outside as easily as German fans. I’m Australian and I heard when Rox toured there in 1995 there were some psycho Aussie fans who stalked them and made trouble too.

@sparvogamarie- yeah but that is nothing compared to germans :)))))

Just kidding of course :) don’t take it personal :)

Colinvdbel: Thanx for the info! I’ll have a look.

Sparvogamarie: Cool, nice little story! Sounds good.

Bunio: Joking is good, but I think it should be enough for now... I’m german too. ;-)

Hmm Bunio I think you’re gonna upset a few people even if you put 100 smiley faces!

From what I’ve seen on the tours, the German fans have earned a bad reputation because of one particular group of about 20 people. This group is literally an organised network of fans who stake out hotels, drive behind the tour bus...anything to stalk Roxette. (Not just Rox, they have a website about all the bands they stalk!!) To give an example of them - I once waited at a hotel after a concert with this German group and we all met Roxette. I dropped my camera case there so the next day I went to look for it. The same group was there again, and Rox came out and they got their autographs again. After Rox left, this group all started running for their cars. I asked a girl what they were doing, she said they have to hurry to the airport to meet Rox again. I was like...woah, I mean how many times a day do you have to meet them?? I heard from Pelle Alsing that everyone was really sick of them following all the time. I met a lot of German fans and the majority are decent, respectful people. It’s this one group that cause all the trouble and put a bad label on all German fans who don’t deserve it.

I guess some people are just a little crazy.....

yes i must admit that too that not all germans are bad :) really! :)

speaking seriously i think that some people are crazy and they need medical attention, i can understand waiting near the hotel or even a house but this race to the airport is really horrifying.

Yeah, I’ve heard this group can get really dangerous on the roads. I remember on the Äntligen tour Marie’s bus driver said that he had tried to get the bus away from these stalkers, but they drove straight through red lights and always stayed a few meters behind the bus so it was impossible to lose them. Sick.

I guess some people are just too crazy...

I don’t really understand what they get out of it. They constantly race to airports and hotels, get an autograph or picture, then race off for the next meeting. They don’t really even try to talk to Marie or Per, just get the autograph. When I met Marie I wanted to talk to her and have her attention, not 50000 autographs. I have about 7 I think and I could have got many more, but what’s the point...once you have a few you don’t need more! I don’t understand the desperation of running through a red light and risking your life for autograph number #45668!

well said sparvöga, but I guess it’s the case of life or death for them :D:D Shall we bring up the “get a life” thing again? lol :)

I got the impression it was like a kind of addiction for know, get another “hit” of Roxette then run like hell for the next hit. I kind of understand it because it’s a huge rush to meet Rox, but for me I think the rush would wear off if I was meeting them 5 times a day every day. And also it would kill me to know that I was pissing them off by stalking them constantly. It’s like, Marie has been such a positive in my life, why would I want to repay her by being a pain in her ass???

I actually didn’t like the story of meeting Per that started this thread. I feel sorry for people like Per and his family. They have never real privacy in their lifes.

i would’ve been cryin lol man i would love to visit those countries i live in australia and man i got the hots for per somin shochin!!!


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