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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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34 replies

Most people on this planet search for something / someone to idolise. Even since I’ve been a Roxette fan, I thought that Marie Fredriksson was the most beautiful thing on 2 legs with endless talents and a voice that makes you believe in God.

Now, wathing her rocking on after her terrible ordeal with cancer, death and medicines, I came to realise that God put this girl in my life for a reason. He is showing me how good He is and He is showing me to never give up. When life kicks you in the gutt, you stand up and fight. That’s what Marie did.

She’s trying her best be the best again and to please us fans. I get tears in my eyes when I see how poorly she moves and when I read all these articles stating that her sight and brain isn’t as it once was, then I get shivers. Then I think only of her strength, her motivation, her positive outlook on life and the fact that she’s doing it for us - but even more so, for herself!!

Marie - I love you from the bottom of my heart and if oneday someone would ask me for the ultimate idol, I’d MOST definately mention you first!
God works through you to teach us to make every second count. Thank you for showing us the way, Marie!!

wow i feel exactly the same way actually. Roxette makes life worth living, and Marie is an absolute godess!

Marie is really a brave!! i really admire her as well

She’s one of the fewest women that inspire me to sing! God bless her!

My own thoughts of admiration (long read, and my feelings are at the bottom):

I agree. She’s very brave and she will be better and better because she has shown us she is a fighter.

We love you Marie!!!

Thats a really touching piece of writing. I wholeheartedly agree. She is my idol too!

You said it all.

I agree as well. Marie is a true hero. All my respect and love!!

I stopped to cry for her from a while and now i fell better, but i love her too.

I thought this stuff was stalkerish Ncurran? ;)

Aha, you did post it here Spooky! You already know my thoughts. Good for you.

I did. I just sent the PM before getting the link up here.

On one hand, I take a look at both Per and Marie and I regret that they didn’t “break out” into the international scene sooner (like when they were in their 20s). There could have been more tours like “Joyride” etc.

However, the world wasn’t ready for them until the late 80s - 90s. And they decided to start families when they did. I respect and admire them for the fact that they STILL put music together for themselves and the fans. Do I regret not going to see their “Joyride Tour”? Yes. But there were a lot of things that happened in my life during that time that kept me at home.

As for currently: Marie is probably one of the biggest sources of inspiration to me at the moment, for various personal reasons.

I agree with Jules and Coyroy!

She’s just adorable. Her music is touching - and she’s so incredible strong. My deepest respect and love for her.

great piece of writing. marie (and per) helped me overcome a difficult period in my life, and of course they have been with me for so many years now, that i consider them my family. i really admire marie and everything she´s doing. i used to think she had a negative attitude towards life according to her solo albums, but now everything´s different. so is she.

sparvogamarie, no i think what coyroy has written is very well articulated and not stalkerish at all. Unlike some of the freaky comments in the thread you are refering to.

What do you mean by “stalkerish”?
You mean i’m a stalker? That’s a really mean thing to say.

Noone called you stalkerish Coyroy. Sparvogamarie is just dragging up a disagreement I had with her in an old thread (or rather an disagreement she had with me). I didn’t bite back to her comments in that thread and I’m not going to here either, so as far as I am concerned the conversation is closed.

Back to what this thread was about, Coyroy, like i said before I think your words are very well articulated and I feel exactly the same. Marie is indeed a very worthy idol, and an inspiration.

I saw some articles lately stating facts Per mentioned about Marie’s life these days. It really sounds miraculous how she has recovered. One of my friends also has a large brain tumor removed some 2 years back and he is changed also. Things didn’t go so well for him like Marie’s case. But he’s getting better as time goes by and I’m sure Marie will get better and she will adjust herself to make the best of what she has.

She’s still the sexy, bouncy, screamy blonde with the heavenly presence!!

Love her so much!!

No no Coyroy, I agree with everything you said. I started a nice thread for Marie a while ago that said “Welcome back Marie” and a few people said things like “I love you Marie”. Ncuran said they were being ’stalkerish,’ and everyone got scared to write anything nice to Marie after that. I thought it was a really mean thing to say to fans who were expressing their feelings to Marie just like Coyroy did in this thread. So yes Coyroy, it IS a mean thing to say, I was just not the one who said it.

Ncurran: I wrote a polite comment to you at the time and I believe my words were “I have always respected you”. So I think “biting back” is inappropriate, how about “responding maturely?”

Aha I found it

I’m sorry I just don’t see anything wrong with any of the responses in that thread.

Oh, and I apologise to Coyroy if you thought I was talking to you! Definitely not!!! I admire you for sharing your feelings! I tend to not do it on this site because of reactions like those in the link above, some fans can be very cruel. That’s why I started my own Marie forum because I was sick and tired of being made to feel like a freak for caring about Marie. You’re most welcome to join Coyroy, email me and I’ll give you the link, I’d be glad to talk to another big fan!!

Thanx, Sparvogamarie!! You’re very kind. I understnad what’s happened. I had a fall-out with one fan a while back. Some folks can be really cruel!

I hope Marie feels recovered enough to make more albums with Roxette!! Her voice is still amazing. One can hear on “Reveal” that Marie sings really great - she can even still scream loudly like One Wish!!

I agree with Coyroy!

In this “Welcome back Marie” thread it was probably my poem that was considered stalkerish. I feel really bad that I posted this! This is also the reason I didn’t say anything in this thread - who knows, what some people will think.

OK... please feel welcome to continue to post to this discussion thread, but consider the discussion about the previous thread over and done with. Any further posts should stick to THIS topic.

Yes I do admire Marie. I am not going to get into all the crap that has been brought up (unnecessarily). I think what we can all agree on, and the whole point of this thread in the first place, is that marie is an incredible, inspiring woman....who could disagree with that!

Marie RULEZ!!!

angel: Your poem was really nice! Don’t be ashamed of it!!!

Coyroy and angel you have inspired me to be honest, and not give a darn what people think. So here’s my part:

Marie has been my hero since I was 11. She started out as just a cool popstar that I admired, but became a lot more. We all have hard times in our life, I won’t get into mine, but there were times when Marie carried me through a lot of crap. Through her music, but also through the person that she is, she could always pull me up. After 10 years of being a fan, it became very important to me to meet her, just to say hello and thank her. I was lucky enough to meet her many times, and she even knew who I was. Some people would say that’s going too far, but I know that I was always respectful to her and she knows it too. When Marie got sick, it felt like a family member got cancer. It was horrible to spend the last 4 years not knowing if she’s ok, if she would live or die, what’s happening to her. She seems to be fine now and I’m so happy about it and proud of her for fighting her way back!!

You’ve said some really beautiful words!!

The strange thing is....I went through a very very very hard break-up (still not over it completely), and then suddenly, when I was at my lowest point, I received Marie’s “Min Basta Van” cd in the mail and the uplifting spirit of that album helped me through the break-up.

Thanx Marie!! That album probably saved my life!

After reading this thread, I was thinking about a 2-CD compilation in Swedish, with all Marie’s hits and singles. This is the tracklist I made. I’d like to know what do you think about it. Thanks!

CD 1:
01. Äntligen
02. Det som var nu (Radio version) [med P. Isaksson]
03. Kan du förstå?
04. Ännu doftar kärlek
05. Het vid
06. Natt efter natt
07. Den bästa dagen
08. Silver i din hand
09. Mot ökanda hav
10. Den sjunde vågen
11. Ett hus vid havet
12. Efter stormen
13. Om du såg mej nu
14. Bara för en dag
15. Längtan
16. Sparvöga

CD 2:
01. Så skimrande var aldrig havet
02. Så stilla så langsamt
03. Den ständiga resan
04. Så länge det lyser mittemot
05. Mellan sommar och höst (Single edit)
06. Herren ber för dig
07. Tro
08. I en tid som vår
09. Drömmen
10. Ber bara en gång
11. Alla mina bästa år (med Frida)
12. Ett mine bättre glömt (med T. Näslund)
13. Sommaräng
14. Ingen kommer undan politiken
15. Din bäste vän
16. Solen gick ner över stan (Klubbmix)

Very nice tracklist Room_Service!

Coyroy: I think Marie has probably saved a lot of lives and never even knew it (Per too.) I think stars don’t ever realise that for some people, the singer/band/actor the only bright thing in their lives. I remember once on the old mailing list, a friend of mine wrote “I can’t live without Roxette.” It sparked a huge argument - a lot of fans basically called her a loser for being so dependant on a band. I remember someone made a comment “I don’t need a band to live, I have my friends and family and a real life.” That’s really good and all...but not everyone actually has friends or family. And maybe real life isn’t very nice. For kids in a bad home or whatever, their fave band can be all they have to hold on to. So yeah, the other “fans” can judge all they want to, they haven’t walked in the shoes of the fan who used to hide in her room listening to Den Ständiga Resan to get away from her real life, or the girl who decides not to kill herself because Marie inspires her. As long as a fan doesn’t become a stalker (in the TRUE sense of the word), it’s a very positive thing.

Stalker, no.... I wouldn’t call myself that. A stalker is someone who litterally follows someone else around whom one might have an OBSESSION with!

Music is the universal language that feed ALL of our souls!! No one on this planet can’t say that they don’t like a piece of music, weather it is classical, instrumental, opera, heavy metal, pop, etc. We ALL love music.

I just happen to love what Per and Marie has to say with their songs.

We all love the music that speaks the loudest to our souls. That’s what keeps us from trouble and keeps us sane.

I’m sorry, that’s all there is to it....

I’ve met some “obsessed” fans before, they’re quite different from any other fan. They have no touch with reality, they genuinely believe they will marry or be with the star one day and they have no life outside of the star. I know this one chick who’s obsessed with Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars...I mean this girl thinks he’s real, and she gets insane if anyone speaks badly of him!!! But at least she can’t stalk a fictional character!!! I’ve seen some fans go to extreme, once Marie’s bus driver told us Marie was terrified of a particular fan and was panicking about it. Now THAT’S a fan who’s gone too far! But most of the folks here aren’t like that from what I’ve seen. Writing poems doesn’t mean you’re nuts, just expressive!

You mean it was wrong to dream I would marry Per when I was 14! You know I still can’t get over the fact he married Asa.... he runied my whole life....

Back to topic...

Marie is amazing, I really have nothing more to say on it...

LOL Ally, if you’re a teenager it’s ok. I wanted to marry Per when I was 14 too and when the pix of the wedding came out I drew devil horns on Åsa’s head and a nice big moustache! She was stealing MY man! Luckily I came to my senses!


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