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What you think of COY demo ?

38 replies

what do people think. I think its not bad, Its strange not hearing marie in it :-S , But not far off the oring version at all.

Nice! I like it!

When Per sings alone, everything‘s just perfect !

I’m waiting for demos where Marie sings!

I prefer the final version just because of Marie singing the chorus. ;-)

Love it! Love Per’s vocal in the chorus!!!! For the millionth time: This should have been a single!


Like it, but it sounds weird without Marie (like any other PG demo, he ha ha he). Marie puts the “oomf” into the song! Still prefer the album version though.

if I remember right, Per’s vocal in the demo is the same as in the final version. He couldn’t sing it for second time as well as he did it in the demo.

btw great one

Happily, I see no reason to post this here in this thread... but I’ll post it anyway... as it was necessary in a different thread, and I’d like our (TDR’s) position to be clear:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since this time around, it seems that it’s far easier to listen to the demo on and MORE IMPORTANTLY... because these demos are offered to fans to listen to with the request that they NOT be downloaded... we’ll respect that and ASK THAT YOU DO TOO. Therefore, please do not post any messages here (or anywhere else on TDR) with the purpose of violating that request from the copyright holder.

Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.... which is evident in this discussion thread.

The chorus is wonderful! Way better than the final one with Marie.. IMHO .. :)

As Eduard said above, they kept the Per’s vocal in the final version. So, it’s basically the same, even the arregement sounds pretty close to the final version. But in my opinion, the chorus is weak. It lacks something: Marie’s powerful voice, hehe. Just a few lines sang by her, but that’s enough to change the song totally.

Yeah the chorus needs the energetic higher-range vocals from Marie to be exciting... Per is after all just ’demo-ing’ the song, so he doesn’t have to get too excited ;)

btw, I’m still waiting for all the rox-box moaners and “per is a money-grubbing s.o.b” preachers to offer a bit of a public apology to the poor bloke!

Crush On You: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahh!

After 7 years it makes me go mad ... still love the song and hearing the demo made me almost go back to the same feel i had the first time I heard it.

Very very close to the final studio version in arrengements and programming no actual intruments except for some sort of tambourine and the drums (though I am not sure). As Per said in 99 by the time HAND was released “I kept my demo vocals on that one cause I couldn’t sing it again” and there it is.

The less appealing aspect: no Marie which is okey since it’s a demo, but she gives it full force at the final version.

Very cool demo ... a nice contraste to the OW demo.

Ok, I heard it already. I think it’s a bit overproduced for a demo. But I think that of most newest Per demos anyway :P

I remembering someone saying they used the demos vocals for the final version, they were right!
I would of never of thought the demo to sound so similar, as the album version sounds so produced. But so does the demo! Top demo!

It’s cool (-:

’Stars’ Demo wanted!!!

I’ve heard it once. Don’t think I will listen to it twice. This is one of the songs that Roxette has succeded to improve most from demo to final version. I think.

The final version is so much better. In my opinion.

Can’t wait to get home from work to listen to the demo. COY is one of my favorites - it was because of this song that I came to buy HAND and became a Roxette fan again, after an 8 year hiatus. Hardly think the demo will beat the original version - which is perfect for me :) - but looking forward to hear it none-the-less.

I really thought that the demo would be with guitars and not programmed, but I like it anyway. The song is great, and I don’t think it’s overrated.

great demo, sound is not far away from the final version. per gave his best^^, but it’s even better with marie in the chorus.

i agree, loads better with marie doing chorus. stars next i hope hehe.

Isn’t it funny? We all enjoy Crush On You which is a very strongly programmed synth song.... and yet the majority of fans are very guitar-live-recording driven. And after so many complains with Stars over the years... this love for this song for me it’s a huge surprise. I guess Roxette fans do also surprise me. LOL:)

PS: Someone here said that he re-began being a Rox fan because of COY after a 8 year hiatus??? So does this mean that someone seems to not apreciate the so divinal-worshiped album CBB??? LOL

I love the demo, it’s great


it´s just great. i´ve always loved this song, so it´s just perfect, even without marie it´s a great song!!!

More or less the same as the final version: really not my favourite song...

COY wasn’t really one of my favourites already but I must say I like it much better when Marie sings the chorus!


Nothing to compare with the final version.

LOL Now suddently COY is not so cool.... LOOOOLLL

i’m bored lol now i know why i am glad the demo disc was out of the box, i wish he’d put out a few live tracks and demos to songs left off of albums, if all we are gonna get are stuff that has no variation in sound from demo to original this is gonna be a real boring end of the year

Well, yes, the demo is really close to the final version, but we all wanted to hear COY demo, so we shouldn’t complain, I think.

Seeeeeeeeee I told you.... Per had a nice reason not to release certain material for BOX. If the artits himself desbeliefs his music how can we also feel otherwise?

We all want everything even stuff that might not even exist... but when we get some ... it tends to dissapoint to a big number ... at the end of the day i ask: was it worth so much anxiety?

Someones like COY, someone doesn’t. Someone prefers C!B!B!, somene likes more HAND. Is it so strange and funny?

I think it’s great that Roxette has shown such diversity in music over the years... and that is one of the reasons for having so many fans

I’m not keen on demos which are very similiar to the final version, but I must say the chorus in COY demo is great.

very, very cool! i just listened to it for the first time and i would have to say some of Per’s demo’s could easily be a final product (okay, maybe a slight turn of a knob or something) but, then again, he’s always pretty much “mastered” all his demo’s. he probably makes it very easy for Clarence & Anders. the demo was very alternative sounding. i actually perfer this version than the “mastered” on HAND. it even had the same guitar effects. this so far is one of the best demo’s from Per’s vault! cheers and peace.

IMHO this one is from the best ones! I love it, almost perfect, I have to agree, that had to be single...unfortunately it wasn´t. I even don´t miss marie´s voice, this is typical gessle! And excellent words as a bonus? :-)

BTW: greetings from czech revival band! Looking for fans meeting! ;-)

What trully leaves me sad is that a big number of Roxette fans have always been reluctant towards that sound evolution and changes over the years.

At the end of the day it all comes down to either CBB for its live-guitarish-driven production or the powerful-sounding-studio-early90s style of Joyride.

I mean ... we have to give things always a second change and re-look at the music with a fresh look and spirit and not expecting things to sound like they sounded prior (I know, its unconscious and natural but it doesn’t have to be so missjudging). Allow the music whatever it sounds like to have a chance, to gain life of its own...

I would ask myself what kind of fan I would be if I allowed tiny details such as syths or guitars to interfere with my appretation of Roxette as a whole. I crave personally for variety, and I am not a very big fan of repetitive stuff it ends up being boring and less appealing. Somehow Roxette kept their own way of doing music but always rapped with a different colour and flavour.

Would you mind having a slice of a chesse cake for a change and don’t expect all the bakeries to have only chocolate muffins? You’ll see it might taste as good as well unlike you though before! Enjoy! :)


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