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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Well, at least the old sites are coming back. Though I wish that the current ones, i.e., would be fixed soon.

It’s not back, that’s an old demo of the site.

sad!! was en very good site.

Yeah, I agree. What a nice page!!

The pix still aren’t up since I don’t have enough space for them, but I think almost everything else is working.


Wow!!!! Very good!!!

Hello Sparvogamarie, you used my Littlemarie red little paints. They are the same as ours and you dont take permissions.

Im happy you are back, but please, talk with others... ;)

Are you talking about Marie’s artwork paintings? If you are then you’re wrong, I spent several hours scanning that book when I got it. I’m not back, I just put up the site cos sille_rox asked for it. I have no intention of regularly updating it. But if people are going to gripe about where I got stuff on the site, I’m taking it down again. Do you have any idea how much stuff from my original site was stolen? On one site my entire bio is copied word for word and it used my quotes page! There’s no point bitching about it, the only time I asked someone to take something down was when someone used personal pix of mine.

I think yours was one of the first Marie sites ever, full of goodies!!! :) Good to see you back :D

Sparvögamarie: You rock and your site was not only one of the first but IMHO also the best Marie page! ;-)

Thankyou Judith and Kiwein! Your sites are also very nice! There’s no room for jealousy in the Marie world, the more Marie sites there are the better it is for her!

Sorry but we are not jealous of you.
We love the good work and we love more Marie´s websites. Of course!!

Why then accuse me of stealing in front of the whole board? If you honestly thought they were your scans, you could email me or PM via R2R. Instead you try to embarrass me on the board? If anyone has a problem with me or my site, they can handle it privately instead of attacking me in a thinly veiled attempt to promote their website.

I don’t sink to such levels, which is why I’ll happily promote two “rival” Marie sites:

These are two great sites! ^^

I completely agree you with sparv! Once again: You rock. Keep going.

Thanks for the nice words even though I am redesigning my page once again. Hope to be back again in a few days. ;-)

I love all the Marie sites wich are around on the net. Keep up the good work girls :)

When I started the worship page back in 1998 or whatever it was, it was the only Marie site (efter stormen and För dom som älskar were great Marie sites before mine, but they closed) and I was really sad that Marie had only one site (Per had about seven!) So I don’t see any point trying to bring down other Marie sites to make mine number one, the only number one is MARIE!


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