i'm losing the hair!
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 14:14:
no, i meant cos i don’t like me, when i go away i never like me, i like me only wainit for a while, so usually i try to make me happy with my current hair.
whateveriam said on October 25, 2006 19:19:
Stress usually, but if it’s in patches go to a doctor, because it could be alopecia
Ary-Sya said on October 25, 2006 19:28:
yes, i think it too, but it’s better if i go, also friends saw it and mum too in my bathroom
whateveriam said on October 25, 2006 19:29:
OK, well it’s better to be safe than sorry hunny, I hope it’s all OK!
whateveriam said on October 25, 2006 19:30:
Maybe you’re just rubbing that bit yof your head too hard when you sleep and such...babies do so why shouldn’t adults?
Ary-Sya said on October 25, 2006 20:11:
yes, that has ever happened, but it happens also when i’m under the shower, when i comb it and also at school on my books.
however don’t worry too much about it, and also about babies, i’m not an adult.
ally77 said on October 25, 2006 20:32:
Snap, my hair falls out a lot.... I only noticed it now as it’s long!
just_like_that said on October 26, 2006 08:52:
I moult an awful lot - I doubt it’s as bad as u but I brush my hair & I get at least a hairbrush worth every day - plus constantly finding it all over my clothes - quite embarassing really!
I hate it after I have a bath, I can normally get 2 brushfulls out - plus whats blocking the plughole..... Ewwwwww!
Marlene said on October 26, 2006 10:57:
Maybe it’s just because of autumn? Many people loose more hairs than normal in autumn and spring. Maybe combinated with wrong food (missing vitamines and minerals)...
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 11:32:
yes, i am so sensitive, but this time is a bit too much.
however i’m glad i’m not the onlyone, also if for Frank i have some doubt...
whateveriam said on October 26, 2006 12:16:
as in you wouldn’t be able to tell I was losing a lot of it, I meant
rox-kuryliw said on October 26, 2006 12:18:
i have curly hair , so looks like i have more than i do also. Although my farther isnt bold, just thin hair. my grandad had a right head of hair, but the one of my mothers side wasnt ! who knows, ill post back in 20 yrs and let everyone know :-D
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 12:23:
mmhh...curly hair...mine is not curly not straight and not wawy...let you know!!
and Rachel...yes, maybe it’s not -if you knew- but like he said - let you know-.
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 12:25:
oh well, i said right!
i thought it, but i wasn’t so sure so i prefered to ask...thank you for compliment!
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 12:30:
...like i’m studing:
Rach_what’s up
Me_ i’m loosing the hair
Rach_ when did it start?
Me_ last week
Rach_ i’m sorry
Me_ don’t worry i’ll be fine
whateveriam said on October 26, 2006 13:05:
Well, winters coming, and I don’t want numb ears!!! So it’s either keep my hair as it is, or invest in earmuffs.
Ary-Sya said on October 26, 2006 13:43:
@whateveriam: i do the same thing with mine, i don’t cut often, also cos when i go away from hairdresser i vomit...
@nk93: you askd for pull me’s leg with more pleasure, eh???
@rox-...(sorry your surename is too dificult) nothing just silly question...sorry
whateveriam said on October 26, 2006 14:05:
also cos when i go away from hairdresser i vomit...
Is it the scissors?
whateveriam said on October 26, 2006 17:58:
Ah... I’m a bit like that, but thats usually because I’m bullied into having a different haircut in the first place
ally77 said on October 26, 2006 20:34:
and I am not liking long hair.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr had short hair all my life... and almost two years ago I started to grow it, it’s long now, thick and out of control... but yet I don’t want to be short again!
roxlad said on October 27, 2006 15:42:
I heard hair has a kind of growing period and falling period maybe it’s just normal but I’m sure any doctor could give you an advice. Also it’s not very common for girls to lose hair as it is for boys so I wouldn’t worry too much.
Ary-Sya said on October 27, 2006 15:47:
@roxlad: thanks for replying...
your last phrase is very reassure!
(i lost one now :S)
roxlad said on October 27, 2006 22:16:
@Ary.sya yep! it’s statistics! ...and probably because of hormones.
Denstandigaresan said on October 29, 2006 01:34:
I have alopecia... but luckily it’s growing back. Still awfully thin though.
Majdy said on October 30, 2006 19:44:
I don’t have the “losing hair” problem, but my hair always sssssoooo thin :P It effects my self confident, actually. Been trying hair tonic, but it’s still plain thin :P :P
Anyone has suggestion?
Ary-Sya said on October 30, 2006 20:06:
oh, i dunno, mine is sometimes thin and sometimes grease, maybe you have to try changing shampoo and ask to an hairdresser.
ThePopHits said on November 9, 2006 22:44:
I´m already 35 and I cant stand this thing!
I will be bold at 50.
pwbbounce (moderator) said on November 10, 2006 08:17:
What an amusing conversation......
Well, I don’t have any hair problems I don’t think, apart from a little grey patch I’ve had since I was about 13. It’s around the back, and it’s only about 1cm big, but I know it’s there!!
ally77 said on November 13, 2006 23:49:
@ rox-kuryliw
Curly Hair ... ha ha tell me about it! Snap.... I’ve been growing my hair for almost 2 years... after having short hair most of my life... finally I have long hair! Still when it’s curly it don’t look although long unless I straighten it.... lol then people can’t believe how long it’s got!
ally77 said on November 13, 2006 23:52:
@ Ary-Sya
My hair is brown, the most natural it’s been for a while... but I am having some colour put in it this week! (and some cut off...)
Ary-Sya said on November 14, 2006 12:41:
@ally: ok, it wasn’t a great question, just for ask, however it’s from a bit i don’t see you or am i crazy?
ally77 said on November 14, 2006 17:01:
No not been around for a while... but I am trying to keep up! :) Gonna have less time soon at the end of this month for this place when I go back to work!
Ary-Sya said on October 25, 2006 19:01:
well, last time was a brother of someone, but he was a male and over 20 years old.
i’m not, i am a so young girl!
how can it be???