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Argentine President resigns

7 replies

Argentine President Fernando De la Rua resigned Thursday and left the presidential palace in a helicopter amid celebrations in the streets as the country faces what could be history’s worst debt default by a sovereign nation.

His resignation followed two days of nationwide rioting and came after the opposition Peronist party refused to form a coalition government with De la Rua

Bad news from Buenos Aires.
Anyone from Argentina.

sorry argentina if u don’t believe most of us support u from chile, hope u get better

25 deaths in 2 days... it is very sad what happened.

How are you, Nicholas?

More than 2,000 people have been arrested nationwide. Reports on the number of people killed cite anywhere from six to 20 people.

I think there is nothing that Chile can do for Argentina. Everything go bad around the world... all than Chile can do for Argentina is join to United Kingdom to help to fight us. Thats All!!! Alejandro from Argentina

5 years ago the people in Bulgaria attack parliament and government submit h retirement...
the new govenment coudn’t make miricle -but when you on the bottom -THE ONLY WAY IS UP
i wish you the easy and fast way to surface

I think that all this stuff about Argentina will make an South America tour in 2002 even more hard to happen =/


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