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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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C!B!B! Cancelled Concerts

9 replies

I noted that during the C!B!B!-Tour quite a lot of concerts were cancelled:

- Copenhagen 12/09
- Dublin 12/11
- Perth 17/01
- Syney 22/01
- Sydney 23/01
- Melbourne 03/02
- Buenos Aires 09/04

Was this all because of ticket sales or for other reasons? Normally shows are only being ADDED if tours sell well. Had the local organisors been too optimistic when booking this tour?

Well I know that in Sydney there was only one extra concert on sale that was for the 22nd Of January 1995. There was definitely no show on the 23rd planned. The second show on the 22nd I got front row seats to and then they cancelled it :( I remember being sooo disappointed! I have no idea why they put a second show on in Sydney when the first still had seats quite a few seats left. I think they were being optimistic since they had sold out four shows at the same venue back in 1991.

I didn’t know that!

Wow! Four of them in Australia :O

No wonder they aren’t that popular there anymore...

04.09/94 - St.Petersburg
just before the concert in Helsinki

singers are always swopping dates cancelling/ moving gigs etc, i dont think its that out the norm at all.

The cancelled australian gigs was because they barely sold any tickets.

Given how successful their previous tour was, it’s understandable they were probably expecting similar numbers. Sadly that wasn’t the case.

well the one in buenos aires was definitely cancelled because of lack of people coming to the show. in addition, 1995 was a very difficult year here in argentina due to the economic crisis.

In the old Ask-Per pages (which homepage was that again???) Per said that in Copenhagen Marie had the flu.


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