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How many of us forced Roxette on a friend...

20 replies

friend and now they’re fans too? I love music period and I still rememeber the day I threw in the HAND album while my friend and I were driving to Chicago. It was the nicest day (like 80degrees/windows down etc..) and “Crush On You” came on, then “WICF”. My friend had no idea who they were (never heard of the band before) and he was “sold” almost instantly. I think we played the first (2) songs over and over (well, actually he did.) For someone who grew up listening to Metallica and GNR’s and other “metal” music, it surprised me. It was a fond memory because I was so worried he’d laugh and throw the cd out the window. Now, he has all (5) major albums in his collection too. What about you guys and gals?...

My roommate at Uni started tapping away to 7twenty7 earliar on. Don’t think he is quite ’sold’ tho as electro, house etc is his interest in music.

My dad and sis are fans, erm.... my GF likes HAND album. In the past friends have copied albums mostly DBUGTTC but also CBB and i even got a friend to buy the Spending my time single and someone ele bought the Kix single lol!

My mum likes them!

My cousin likes roxette thanxs to me, i forced her to come with me to crash boom bang concert in madrid, after that she bought all the albums.

well in my case it was the other way round. i have been a fan for 14 years but it was my oldest sister who introduced me in the rox world. she was not a fan, she just liked a couple of songs, but when i started listening i got crazy. and it hasn´t stopped ever since...

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Yes, my one convert! Bless him, made him listen to Joyride on the college bus home, and now he’s a fan!

since my whole rox discography occupies the cd-changer in my car there are quite a lot .... :)

I did the opposite, I made all my friends hate Rox because I talked about them too much.

I being forcing them on my cousin Samantha for years and years. Her fave song is Real Sugar, but the live version. She likes the end chorus of the live one more. A couple of old friends brought the Have A Nice Day and Room Service albums when they came out, but that’s about it

I once copied every Roxette song I had onto cassettes for an ex-girlfriend of mine. The first song she played was “Cinnamon Street” and thought it was the dumbest song she had ever heard. She never listened to another Roxette song. It can backfire.

My dad got me hooked when I was 8. I’m a bigger fan then him now. :P

A few of my friends went out and bought C!B!B! and Joyride. My boyfriend can’t stand Roxette, but he’ll listen to them in the car with me.

i get moaned at constantly whenever i try to play anything...i can get away with Listen To Your Heart,It Must Hve Been Love and Fading Like A Flower

i don’t speak so much about them because i am so boring! but i “forced” friends to listen to them, some like them (like nk93) and some are indifferent (like all others), and also my cousin, when she came to me i convinced her to sang and dance “the look” with me in the square in front of anyone!

Damn! If only my friends would do that!

jijiji... after hours and hours talking about roxette and the excitement on the new releases, tomorrow I will lend my Tourism CD to my work companion, finally she ask me for listening something of that wonderfull band...jijiji next step buy for her the Greatest Hits!

lol i forced roxette on 2 college rommates and 2 boyfriends not to mention my colleege business class and my hs creative writing class lol

Nice one! Have some on tape, so play them at college!

In my case it all came from my uncle buying Joyride, then was my brother... and then I became the Rox-freak, but inspite of my insistance (even with Sedish material) my family still likes Roxette a lot!

I have a Friend who never told me that she is also Roxette Fan untill I asked her what her Favorite Band is!


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