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my little fun with rox 20

7 replies

heres a little fun clip for everyone, my brother and I were inspired to try to do a little acoustic roxette ep, I hadn’t sung with accompaniment in ages, and my brother hand’t touched a rox album since 2001, it’s three takes of place your love my brother on guitar and vocals and me on vocals, lol we were tired so we messed up lol

scroll down a littel to dl the file and enjoy :)

Do you have to register to listen!

not bad, quite funny actually ;) which voice is yours? the one that’s starting or the one that’s coming in in the middle?

thanks for sharing it :-)

i have the higher octave voice i was off pitch thnaks to my sinuses my brother plays guitar and sings the per parts ;:)

Decent guitar playing, unconfident harmonies, camp as tits.

i think the link does not lead to it’s target anymore. can’t find the download anywhere on that page, but i really like to hear your version of “place your love”!

Not bad. Hey, it’s all about having fun and it’s even better when you’re covering a Roxette tune. I always loved that song from the C!B!B! album. A very fine moment for Per. Again, not bad especially if you’re not take singing lessons. Grrroooovvvvyyyy.


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