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Roxette on Rapport

27 replies

Today there was a roxette segment on the biggest swedish news program, Rapport.

It’s really nothing new mentioned. But it’s nice to see P&M.

One thing Per says is that the american radio station that started to play “The Look” played it only cos Marie had nice tits. :)
It is after 22 minutes 55 seconds.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I wish I understood Swedish better - I see that Per hasn’t lost any of that famous sense of humour... (-:

You gotta love that ROXETTE muscle-shirt Per’s wearing in that one clip... that’s hot...

Ohh thank you!!! ;) Per and Marie looks really cool... jeje..

Thanks A LOT!

From the funny parts:

Per was surprised that Marie agreed to record a song together with him since she had a really blooming solo career ahewad of her and she had been advised not to waste it.

20 years anniversary still feels like yesterday and Per thinks it is weird they’re still talking to each other after all these years. :) :)

Brian Phillips - American radio boss played The look mainly because he thought Marie’s tits on the cd sleeve were nice:) :) :)(

That’s basically why they’re laughing so much :D

No goals or tasks assigned though - such as selling xxx number of records, get an MTV award or so.

Thanks for giving that to us GT!!!

Wow, that’s really nice!! And they showed some nice scenes from Roxette’s fantastic era (-:

Marie is sooooo sweet!! She looks great ... and maybe a little bit thin in her face...

But, thank you!!!

That was great, thanks for sharing it!
It’s wonderful to see Marie smiling & happy!

LOL, i really wish i could understand swedish to hear that.

ThanX-Thats so great!!

Can anyone share it on rapidshare?????

yes,please could someone upload it to megaupload? (rapidshare is just terrible..)

Agree!! Rapidshare SUXX in every single way!!!!

Roxette on Rapport 12-10-2006 (downloadable stream link):

mms:// (ca. 180 MB)

There’s also a longer interview with Per & Marie in the News section (“Roxette firar 20 år” - also from 12-10-2006)! :D

Interview 12-10-2006 (part 1):

(downloadable stream link - ca. 60 MB)

Interview 12-10-2006 (part 2):

(downloadable stream link / so far it’s only available in .rm format so it seems / ca. 55 MB)

Hmm any hints of what more they say on this one?... Anyone to kindly please summarize it for us non-Swedish speaking fans?... :P Thank you so much already! :)

Also on today’s Gomorron Sverige there’s that short interview segment as shown on Rapport yesterday:

(downloadable stream link - ca. 115 MB)

It’s a shame that, knowing that Roxette has many international fans, that they can’t do an interview in English?? Grr!!

The long interview is good and very informative. Hope someone who has got the time can translate it for all the people who don’t speak english. Maybe subtitles from someone who knows computers?

It’s much better then most of the interviews i’ve seen.

I don’t have much time, but I give the summary a try:

It’s amazing to be celebrating 20 years together, really cool, and we’ve been through many different things together. Of course it is extremely difficult to feel and think alike all these years, but I think the key to our success is that we allowed each other to do other things and go on with our own projects - solo, GT...

It was very rarely that we got on each other’s nerves, even if we were on tour - away from home for half a year or so. We were lucky to have a cool gang and close friends with us on tour.

what is the key to Roxettes success?

Per: As they say it’s luck, timing and tallent. Also the fact we were a bit older - we were around 30 then. We had good songs in the right time and we were able to live up to expectations regarding the upcoming releases. What’s more, we’re both 2 biggest Roxette fans - Marie and I, which is also crucial here. Sorry to spoil the surprise.

what is so special about Roxette?

Marie: We had lots of fun, it gives you so much inside, wonderful, travelling all around the world and so. Cool!

how come you started Roxette?

Per: It’s a looong story, how much time have we got? Anyway, Marie and I shared the rehersal studio and we were both in the middle of something else with our projects in the 70ties. Then in the 80ies - 83-84 when my stocks lay really low and Maries solo career was rocketing a guy from my record company suggested we do a song in English, together.

Marie was so enormously big back than that I didn’t have the guts to make such an offer. To my surprise she said yes.

Marie: Alr
though I was advised not to give up my career deep inisde I felt that was what I really wanted to do - travell everywhere and so.

Didn’t it feel strange that GT were goind down and Marie was going up at that time?

Per: Yeah, despite Gts attempts to get breakthrough outside Sweden in 83-84, we failed. I had no longer a record deal, I just sat at home writing songs in Swedish. Actually, the first Roxette record consists of my own songs translated into English and sung by Marie, because we needed a record in English so quickly, because of Neverending love success.

How did it feel to record the first record?

It felt great, we went into our roles directly, the recording sort of took care of itself. There were nice people around - for instance Clarence from day one till now.

I actually think we complete each other and bvecome better TOGETHER than solo. Marie sings great on her own - but still, she becomes better working with Clarence and me. The same goes me - I’ve always heard one could not dance to my songs or make them danceable. And there comes Clarence with his arrangements and works wonders with the songs. Or that my voice is my weak side - and here comes Marie and sings LTYH or DFS and breathes a new life in the songs.

How important is the chemistry between you?

Per: It’s of paramount importance. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here after so many years.

You topped Billboard 4 times, how does it feel?

Marie: What can I say, wow.

We were there for almost 4 years not disappearing from the charts and in the beginning of 90ties we were in top 3 of the most played artists.

How did it feel to become number one?

Per: We learnt about it on our way back from somewhere, I think it was Holland. We split in Stockholm because I lived in Halmstad and in the evening we got the news. So the following day I was forced to fly back to Stockholm, typical, such news never spreads when we are together.

Marie: I was shocked, all i ever wanted suddenly becomes our reality.

You might have had such dreams, but surely they feel improbable?

Per: Yeah, I cross my heart talking about having breakthrough we stayed realists. We hoped for breakthrough in Germany or Holland but´s crazy.

here is part 1!!!

Part 2 follow!!

Thank you for those links, sille-rox! :) And thank you as much, gyllene_tjej, for the summary! :)

Someone can make those videos downloadbles plz?Maybe in rapidshare.

The videos already ARE downloadable! Simply paste the links Sweepi posted in a program like FlashGet and there you go! No need to download and then upload them somewhere else...

Sweepi & Gyllene-Tej, A BIG THANX FOR YOU!!!!!
Is really great!!!!!!!!! ^^

Where i can download the part 2??
Thx sweepi!! The interview is great!

Thanxs people ;) I’m still downloading the interviews and thanks for the translation and link silli-rox ;)

Here is Part2

it´s only for Real one Player!!!!

I’ve also cut the segments with Roxette from both Rapport and Gomorron Sverige and uploaded it also. :)

Thanx Gyllene tjej, Sweepi and Sille-rox!!!
Very very good!!!!

Yeah! Thanx a lot!! Great stuff! Great work! However you do that! :)
But why does Rapidshare say to me now that I’ve already loaded enough and that I have to wait 55 minutes now until I’m allowed to load Part 2??

Thanx so much Gyllene tjej, Sweepi and Sille-rox!!!
You’re always so kind!

Take a look my screenshots from this interviews :)

I hope you like ;)

Bye, bye !!!


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