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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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29 replies

Are they really not going to change that by-now-very-dull Son Of A Plumber design at

One Wish is already out and there’s nothing special going on at By the way, does anyone know who updates the site’s news?

Ha, world is revolving again and again...

But thanks for bringing this topic up again. What I can tell you is that all the admins and mods are willing to change things but still this is Per’s website.

It’s David and I who update the news there.

And who “updates” the Biography section?

Before this question occurs: David J. Elfström is the guy who created and programmed the website.

I like the site!

Galadriel: “And who “updates” the Biography section?”
Same answer: Tevensso and David J.E.

ally77: “I like the site!”
Yes, I know. Except from that “trigger-happy moderator” of course. ;-)

Ahhh no I said I like the site, not the forum! :) lol ;)

You see, I like the forum much better than the site. Mainly because the forum is alive and friendly.

Is that site official as in having the backing of EMI! I get so confused with all these sites...

The site is official as it is owned by Per Gessle himself.

So “the guys” might tell him to do some weeding in his garden.
Armed with a rake of course...

Weeding? god Per can come weed my garden anytime!

@ally77: Wow, that sounded really, really dirty... (-; I mean, gardening and all... it’s dirty business, what with all of the... dirt.

I have that dream everynight!

@ thenicekai

*grins while looking at your nick* ;)

Sorry, didn’t see that discussion here before...I just thought that now that Rox20 is almost at its peak the site should evolve, too... And just out of curiosity was asking who update the news since they are very much alike to TDR’s. Nothing wrong with that, of course!

The design is horrible! It´s nothing special!

We need a modern and trendy style!

It’s not only about “modern and trendy”. It’s more about awaking emotions when visitors see the website. I think that “grey” is only the second best choice to colour the Rox20 celebrations. By the way, everyone is invited to join the forum over there. We of course have a bit stricter rules (you know, we are a bit like Cooper there... closer to “God”) but I’m pretty sure you will have a lot of fun over there.

To be honest, I normally forget that the site even exists. I’ve been coming here for so long, and all the news appears here anyway, that I don’t need another site. But I’m gonna go and have a look at the forum now :-)

Thanks for the visit. Yeah, actually was meant to be the direct wire from Per to his fans. But since the updates come less and less, it’s of course harder for us to keep the whole site running somehow. All we can do is keep the forum alive and interesting (of course it always depends on the people posting there) and cross the fingers that times will change for the better once Grandmaster G has remembered again that there is a place he should actually be.

Hm. I doubtPer visits his own site there. He tends to come here for some reason hehe

He’s getting old and forgetting. Ts ts. :-D

You know my views on the forum over there... I just find it too plain and boring!

Could you explain “plain”? I don’t really get it.

Of course I can....

I find the skin of the forum plain.... that is what I meant... whilst it is keeping in with the theme of the layout of the SOAP forum, it’s also very simlar to just the standard layout of most phpBB forums.... except it’s grey and silver in colour....


At the moment I am having problems to enter any topic/post at the forum on

Am I the only one or is it a general problem?

To be precise: an error message is displayed instead of the content of the topics.

You’re not the only one. Can’t tell you for sure but it looks like the SQL database that holds the data of all the posts gave it up.

Thank you! :-)

I keep my fingers crossed, that it can be solved soon!

I hope you get it solved soon!

It depends on how fast the webmaster reacts.


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