The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Is that the End from Roxette? (new Interview)

Yes or no?


Searching... searching... searching...

Not seeing anywhere in that article where Marie or Per says “This is the end of Roxette.” So I’m going to have to go with no.

Here’s a better question - how many times in an average week does somebody ask this question? At *LEAST* since 1994 I’ve been hearing “This is the end!” and yet, here they are in 2006, still at it...

Still at it..... I don’t think so.... I do belive this is the end of the line.... it’s time to call it quits, sorry guys but the latest promo for 20 years has been really really poor!

I don’t think so. I don’t expect them to do real ’big’ things but maybe a gig here and a new song or DVD there...


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