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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive. says One Wish to be released in US!

13 replies

Have a look at Wikipedia.. this is crazy.. is it true??

One Wish has got no Chart potential in the US.

Maybe someone put it there as a joke!

For some reason i believe One Wish will be released in the US. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Anyone can write anything on Wikipedia.

Carlos - what makes you think that? I really hope they do release it here.

Boo on all the nay-sayers. Anything can hit the charts with the right promotion.

Well I hope they do for you!

It’s true that you can pretty much submit anything to Wikipedia, and I don’t know if they verify the information or not. I hope to see One Wish here sometime over the next few months.

I shall keep my fingers and toes crossed!

Yes, Wikipedia is actually not the most reliable sourse. But still fingers crossed that One Wish will be released in the US :)

PS Oops, ally77 was faster than me :D has it as an import. The RoxBpx too, but the video is PAL. *twistyface!*

If it doesn’t get a US release, then hope for Canada. It’s better (boxwise), then at least there won’t be two unplayable DVDs. *another twistyface and a grrrrrrrrrrrr*

And yes, Wikipedia is nototiousy semi-unreleable. I’VE even corrected the Mark Twain entry. (His boyhood home is my hometown. . . I hadta.)

Ahhh so it’s the Pal version (an import)... oh dear!

You’re better off getting the PAL version as it will most likely be better quality, PAL having Higher resoloution and most of the material being natively PAL.


P.S. Any TV From the last 10 years or more should be able to convert from PAL to NTSC or Play PAL Natively. Or a lot of DVD Players can convert From PAL to NTSC.

And you will have no problem viewing PAL material on a monitor or a HD display. So unless you’ve got a really old TV or a Crappy DVD player there should be no worry.

I once tried to view a British made DVD on my player, and it had a switch to PAL function, but it really screwed up the player. I was able to blindly (as in scroll through the options without being able to see them) get it back to the proper setting. Haven’t tried it since.


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