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Roxette at BRAVO live - on stage, not to perform !

100 replies

@Ally & pwbbounce: You are both right in a way.
Roxette never performed WICF on the german TOTP, BUT the german TOTP-version showed Roxettes performance from the UK-Version and pretend it to be happening in their own studio.
That’s why the youtube-clip has got the german RTL-Logo and the introduction of the german-host.
They often did so, therefor they had always the same studio decoration ;-)

Anyone checked out the update at ? It says they will be there on stage live ! But they won’t perform live. I guess Marie was the reason then !

“As previously stated Roxette will pre-record a performance for the Bravo gala in Hamburg on the 21st of October. However, they will also make a live appearance on stage at the actual event on the 21st.”

That’s nice. Wish they would come to the UK !

Hmm, strange. But at least she’s going to be in Germany! We only get Per in the UK!!

I am really wondering why they didn’t tell us before. Most of the fans already gave their tickets back. *keepsherheadshaking*

*Sitting waiting for the fireworks......*

land of confusion...

OK, so no...this is getting wierd...

We really live in the Information Age now... *rolleyes*

Actually doesn’t say that Roxette won’t perform at the event. Just that they’ll do a prerecording the day before:

“As previously stated Roxette will pre-record a performance for the Bravo gala in Hamburg on the 21st of October. However, they will also make a live appearance on stage at the actual event on the 21st.”

BRAVO added Roxette to the list of stage performers again and proudly mailed the ticket owners to have won Roxette for the live show!

So my personal conclusion is that Roxette will indeed perform at the actual event and use the prerecording only for TV if something goes wrong with the live performance. Sounds logical? ;-P

how about bingolotto then?????????? wonders”

Hopefully you’re right Sascha, but I doubt it.

What about the “logistical problems”?
Faded away?

Didn’t want to go there anyway, I’m only wondering... *scratch scratch*

What about Bingolotto???
I’m guessing Rox will be there for an interview and maybe some waving, but probably not perform.

Jeez this is really pathetic… what a complete and utter balls up to say the least….. so all those disappointed fans who gave back there tickets because they where performing live could have actually still gone and perhaps seen Per and Marie live on the stage (which would have been just as good… lets be honest)….

This has to be the biggest cock up in history!

According to Bravo: They don´t believe to this statement at!

The information Bravo get: Marie´s isn´t fit at the moment to play LIVE in a (big) tv show. So they will pre record their performance a day before the show!

Source: Alex Gernandt!

We know it’s pre-recorded..... we have know that for a few weeks but now says Roxette will still attend the show live, perhaps to collect an award...

Can’t believe it!!! I’m so angry, I won’t go there anymore, I feel extremely fooled. This is the very last time I bought such tickets because of Roxette.

I think a lot of people feel fooled.... it’s a joke!

@ATLTK or tevensso:
When is Bingolotto supposed to be? The same day?

Bingolotto performance 4.11.2006

and Bingolotto told me Roxette WAS not there on the evening as I turned down the chance for tickets...

I was joking. I was making fun of Ted’s persistance of asking about Bingolotto all the time.

This is very funny!!!

I mean
if they are in hamburg durung the actual event they can be there aswell eh;-)

It’s highly comical.... if not annoying for all those fans who returned tickets...

What says EMI? is it thrue?

EMI? Are you joking?? They actually don’t know the titel of Roxette’ s upcoming new single...*lol*

I hope it’s Xmas soon.....I feel stressed....
What did Bravo do that they will appear there? Falling down to their knees? As I said before: If somebody would have told us honestly that Marie is not fit enough I wouldn’t said anyting....But noooo they just broke the worldrecord in confusing people...I still got my tix here...but I still don’t know what to do...

Maybe it was planned at the beginning ?? I don’t think Bravo have changed P & M’s mind...

But they said in their e-mail : “nach intensiven Bemühungen”

Which in English means?

It means “after intensive efforts” ...

quote “But noooo they just broke the worldrecord in confusing people...”

at least you do not lose your sense of humor. ;-)

*looks around*

Am I coming or going?

Damn I’m comfyoozed.

both EMI Music Sweden AB, and BRAVO announce that Roxette will be appearing on stage after all despite the performance being pre-recorded. Roxette will be on stage at the big ’50 Years BRAVO’ anniversary gala on 21 October 2006.
yes, positive news..............

Yes but not so positive for those who sent back tickets already!


Comes Roxette live to the Show and a pre-recorded performance or not?

Hä? Bravo believe not the statement of

Bravo means Roxette comes to the Show. read Bravo-guestbook!!

i´m confused

Ah really? If it’s true, after all... ::-)

It’s a shame the video-recorder broke down!

why makes TDR this not official of here Site? when it´s true.

Do you mean why is there no article on TDR about it?

Or are you implying that is lying?

@ally77 yes!!!

What is going on? I am confused!

Me too!

Roxette comes to the Show but no live performance. i think it gives a littele Interview.

hope it changed not again!!!

TDR is always quiet at the weekend!

Aha gotcha, thanks for clearing it up!

But wait, didn’t it say they weren’t gonna be there in person? So the interview (if there is one) wil be taped too- dammit!

This is the latest anyone from TDR has written about this; tevensso
9/27/2006 18:37

What? Confirmed? So the message from Roxette AND EMI isn’t enough to trust??
Roxette WON’T be at the Bravo show the day of the show, NO.

But things have changed, or?
So, if a moderator can confirm how it will be, it would be nice.

Well someone is telling porkies somewhere....

and now the news appears on the front page!

We don’t have any first hand info. It appears Bravo has persuaded Roxette to stay and appear at the live show.

I hope, everyone - Roxette, EMI, Bravo - stick to this plan.

By the way, has anyone counted how many times the plans regarding Roxette’s appearance at the Bravo gala have been changed?

Can’t count past 10 without taking off my shoes and socks.

Wow I can’t count to five without falling over!

Couldn’t it simply be the pre-recording functions as a sort of backup? Maybe they decided to perform live after all, but have the pre-recording in case Marie doesn’t feel fit enough to perform live?
Think about it.. it sounds logical.
But still.. the rumours are strange

Sounds logical but I can’t see it happening!

Nick, that’s my theory as well (see page 1)... We’ll see!

About fans who already gave their tickets back: I think they still have their tickets, since the money-back action was still on hold.

I would have to agree with Nick too.

Hm. I wouldn’t agree with Nick and Tev. I don’t think it’s about Marie having or not having a “bad day”. If would have been so, they wouldn’t have decided exclusively for pre-recordings in these very few shows they are going to appear during this month. I am almost sure that her general state is stable: namely, her problems are, for the time being, always the same (equilibrium problems, talking problems, orientation problems etc.). I guess she has to learn to deal with them as good as possible, but a thing as such takes time and exercising. So. I don’t think they can back up a live appeareance with a pre-recorded one. I guess they either decide to take a risk and appear live, or simply do a pre-recording. I assume one cannot take huge risks in front of a huge audience. I can’t see Per making an option for live.

@ Max-Tob: With all due respect, but I believe that was “our” whole theory behind it :-)
That they (P&M) have decided that live is a ’go’. So, they intent to perform live, but make a pre-recording for a ’just in case’ scenario.

But non if this matters anyway.. I guess we just have to wait and see what will happen. Either way I’m glad there is a perfermance at all, whether it’s live or pre-recorder: Rox is back and that a fact! ;-)

Oh, sorry Nick. I must have understood something else. I somehow thought that you were talking about something like this: “let’s see if Marie will be able to make it live on that very day; if not, we still have the pre-recording”. And I was just stressing out the fact that Marie’s state is stable anyway and they probably know by now what are the risks of a live appearance, they don’t expect Marie to have “a good/bad day” and, according to it, to make it (or not) live. It’s more about deciding whether they should to cope with the risks or not. Sorry anyway.

So are we taking bets on a live performance... I wonder what William Hill will offer me! ?

“Live” as in being there. I never saw a live live performance ever on German TV.

Long gone the time of the german show “Hitparade” where the artists at least had to sing live... :-(

Last performance I remember is WICF singback at TOTP. Don’t know if they performed it in the DE or UK studio.
And many artists at “Wetten Dass..?” and “TV Total” still sing/play live... ;-)

Actually you might answer that for me... WICF was also on TOTP Germany? I didn’t know TOTP was in Germany but I did see a video on Youtube...

I am so confused!

TOTP was sold by the BBC to countries all over the planet.

The studios Germany one I believe

Well I never knew that.....

You learn something every day Ally...

So, what does everyone reckon they are gonna do there?

At this moment in time I have no idea.... Perhaps come stage and wave!

Some artists still play live at “Wetten daß?”... wow...
I haven’t watched that show for some time.

quote whateveriam: “So, what does everyone reckon they are gonna do there?”
Well, for a short “interview” (actually smalltalk), I think, and if we’re lucky a few lines of a-capella maybe... :-)

Has anyone stopped to think that by just appearing on the show it brings them a whole heap of promotion for the latest single and album.... and that’s all they are doing!

I’m not sure if I understand you correctly...,
but standing 2 min around only “staring at the wall” wouldn’t help much in terms of promotion...

Of course it does...

For them to just appear on a TV show in a country where they have always done well screams “Hey look we are back.... please buy our new GH album”....

Either than or the thought of Bravo suing them for pulling out was the real reason!

@Ally - the “German” WICF on YouTube is actually the one that was filmed in the UK!! It’s wrong. The reason I know this is because I knew someone in the audience!

Bravo writes of the question: What makes Roxette on Stage when not live perform?

Answere: after our last Info perform Roxette 1 from hers good Songs on stage.

This is with safety an old Song. What is with One wish?

@sille-rox: You’re always doing panic!!! SLOW DOWN, please!

Did you really think, they already know which song Rox (and many other acts) will perform next week ?? The answer you get, is surely from a bravo-worker who has really nothing to do with the ’show-program’. And I think his/her answer is very OK.

And by the way: They WILL perform OW!!!


i will not making Panic!!! sorry!!!
but i wondered me over this answere. i think Roxette makes an pre-recorded entrance?

Yeah, and what’s your problem ??

Thanks for clearning that up Paul and Room-Service! :)


Will Roxette perform more than one song? Because I heard they will play a different song than One Wish.

Really hope they play One Wish!! What’s the bet it’s The Look, playback.......

What is with ONE WISH? No Promo for this Song?

What do you mean??

i mean Roxette playing not ONE WISH on stage?

i don´t believe....

Not convinced there is gonna be two songs performed. Hopefully, but I doubt it.

@tev: Where did you heard it??

I really HOPE they play ’One Wish’. And HOPEFULLY NOT ’The Look’!!

Maybe played Roxette-Listen to your heart?

but i hope of ONE WISH!!!!!!

I suppose being a show to celebrate 50 years it’s more than likely that it would be The Look....

It would be great to see Roxette perform The Look as they are now in 2006, even if it might be playback!

I read that Take That will present their new single at BRAVO50, so why not Roxette? Maybe they’ll do a short medley.

That´s no Promotion for One Wish in Germany when play Roxette The Look and not One Wish.

i don´t know...

It would be very silly and strange if Roxette play The Look on the Bravo 50 years gala since they’ve played The Look in 1996 at the Bravo 40 years gala as well ...

I think that OW is just too much for Marie at the guess is that they will perform a slower but popular song like LTYH or WICF.

Gr8 to see them back on stage again!!! Even it’s just 1 song :-) I can’t stop counting the hours!!!

Since IMHBL is featured on the forthcoming BRAVO50 CD compilation i’m sure BRAVO would like that song to be performed as a classic.

TT will also play their brand new song. And the release date for ’OW’ here in germany was also changed into the week AFTER the gala!! So, it would be the best promotion timing. Let’s hope for ONE WISH this evening *pray*

And overall: If Roxette would really perform ’IMHBL’ - Marie COULD sing and perfom it live - at the gala without any pre-recording!! Remember her apperience at TV HUSET with ’Sommaräng’ this early summer...

“The week AFTER the gala”? October 20 is the day before... *scratches head*

Oh, its confuzzling...can we just have one thing that DOESN’T have a angle of confusion...please?

Looking forward to seeing this now.... especially after seeing the SVT performance!


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