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"c'mon" on a italian programme!!!

16 replies

don’t ask me the programme’s name becouse i don’t know, but i listened to it! it was theme(tune)of it and it wasn’t so long, just some seconds, but it was great for me, becouse in italy nobody talk about roxette or their music; i don’t know how many are the person that interest this, so nothing, just that i wanted to tell.

If it was just a few seconds, you certainly can’t know if it was Per’s song. Probably it was not C’Mon. There are millions of songs and tunes and there will always be some similarities.

no no no, believe me, it was per that sing baby c’mon it’ saturday nite c’mon in falsetto! do you think that i dreamed it?
i was per’s voice

Well, if you really heard Per singing those lyrics, it’s OK. I thought you only heard an instrumental part. Sorry!

It’s actually an advert for a well known brand that makes jewels in italy called Breil. They always tend to use Roxette or related songs in their adverts. In 2001 they used Real Sugar and now C’mon. It’s been going on for months.

it’s ok, you were not wrong if you thought that i am crazy, it could be when there’s something about roxette!

hey hey, roxlad, you’re saying that i’m not crazy and that i listen to it for real???

Not crazy at all! Check this out:

ok, but what is it? there’s only publicity

click on ’nuovo spot’ at the top of the page.

yeah, i saw it, i didn’t see the spot but the song was it! thank you!

you’re welcome :)

Ha Ha cool advert! :) Nice to see music from Per used in adverts especially if in another country!

I wonder if Per had to give permission for them to use that!

I didn’t get the advert at first but really i wasn’t looking properly I was only listening to the song!

Hej, it´s true!!!I saw the spot on “Italia 1” some day ago!!!

Yes. and it´s really a shit thing that Roxette seems to be death in Italy! I´m happy to have the internet for this.

It’s been around since a while...
They played it some months ago, I guess from the thread date it was may, then disappeared in a few weeks...haven’t seen it yet lately though.

no, i listen to it 2 days ago, could it be that they had put it again? however i didn’t see your discussion, i wasn’t here, ok???


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