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New competition on

34 replies

Hi, we have a new competition on the
The winners will get one of the promosingles from Marie: ’Ingen kommer undan Politiken’
Join in!!!

Wow, someone has to do painting to win those promo single... :)

That’s why I won’t participate. ;-)

It will be very easy for you, and also if you don´t have the best hands for painting you haev a chance to win, we will choose the other winners from all....

really... i might as well drown in tears already...I have no talents whatsoever. And the single is indeed a pearl in a collection...who’d spend like 90$ on it on ebay and so? not me...

Dont care about the quality!!
You must to do as well you know!!

Lots of people send to us the drawings and some are good and some are bad. Dont care!!

Later we will choose 7 names from a bag between all the people send to us a draw...!!

1 cdsingle for the best. Only this..... ;)

Does sexual favours count as an entry?

why don’t you give away the 7 promo singles?

think it’s actual quite a nice change from just a draw.

1 cdsingle for the best. Only this..... ;)

ok, do I misunderstand something then...what happens to the remaining 6 singles? Will there be more competitions?

So it is actually luck that decides whether you’re a winner or not - ALL works take part in the contest and then you randomly pick 7 people...and then choose the best qualityartwork of these 7. do i get it right now?

and oh - I forgot to say that - you littlemarie team are REALLY doing a fantastic job (now, did I score some extra points? lol lol). So much enthusiasm and that you engage yourselves so deeply in the site and all goodies for fans ( I’m mostly refering to your extras section now)

I just wish there was a similar site revolving around Per...and believe me, when I say so it IS a compliment for you. so, keep up the good work!

I really cant draw, but i would like this single

I have the promo cd single already.
Good for me as I am a terrible drawer.
Nice competition, though.

I will participate!! :D

In total are 8 cdsingles.

7 will be taken between the total emails and the last, the #8, will be for the best draw... ;)

will certainly see if can get around to some drawings ;o)

One more time for all that didsn´t understood the competition well:
We have 8 cds. We choose the best paitning and that will be the winner of the competition and get one csd.
The other 7 we pick from all the mails and paintings we get.
So if your painting is not the best you have the chance to win one single too....

Great competition because there are some good artists in the Roxette world... so it will prove intresting if anything else....

I won’t enter I will really embarrsses myself!

If you want to join is your decision.... ;)

Who’s having a go at this?

You can see the first list and the gallery in

Also the website is updated again. Enjoy it!! ^^

there are cool pictures!!! mine is there ;-)

huh some people can really draw! :) Good luck

yes, really good pictures!

Yes!!!!!!! :D

I drew the one with Marie in the short purple dress.

I’m Martin!!

Hope you like it! There are really some great artists!!

Wow! They’re fantastic!

This is coming for a girl who lost out on all the artistic talent in the family, and can barely daw a straight line, let alone a bloody portrait!

They are great

Everyday we are updating the list and the gallery... ^^

Sorry, but we wont accept drawings made with computer.

Wow there is really some excellent artists out there! Very impressive!

Everything is explained and the case is solved now. Thanks, Blanca.

I’m really speechless! When and how will you announce the winners?

Im happy for this Grasi.
About the winners, you can read the last new in the blog. ^^

Hard choice to make!


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