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Crush on you remixes...who did it?

21 replies

After all the discussion of these remixes....who was it who actually made them? Was it almighty or someone else?

I’m pretty sure Per mentioned it was Almighty, but i could be wrong.

It was Almighty, and “Crush On You” was listed on their (his? her?) website once upon a time... I’m not sure Per ever actually said anything about these remixes...??? I think a fan just stumbled across Almighty’s web page...

Ahhh, here it is:

hmm if i remeber rite.. didnt per state on the ask per section on the hand site that almighty remixed COY :)

@tg83: Could be... really can’t remember... but sounds familiar!

That´s an unofficial site...
Here is the official one:

he also said they did a remix of waiting for the rain too

LOL no he didnt, stop getting everyone worked you bad boy . :-P

Waiting for the rain.. haha, exactly. Coyboyusa must have had the weirdest conversations with Per...or just fun making up those ’facts’.

I don’t even know if I have these.... what release where they on.... I guess I have but someone point me in the right direction!

They’ll resurface somewhere... Rox25 anyone?

its funny that per said he didnt want long 7 minute remixes in the rox box... so whynot on the one wish single?

i still hope we can get that new version of it must of been love thats in the rox melody!!

@ above

I am rather sure there was a 7” version of the COY remix also available that could have made it. So again, Per wasn’t very thorough with his arguments.

i recall very vividly that per said in an interview somehere that almight had done mixes of both wftr and coy and they would be on what was supposed to be on the coy maxi....i am not joking ints outhere somehwere probably under my old aol screenenam that i deleted a million months ago

it was almighty. i didn´t know they also did something with WFTR. i´d like to hear that coz i don´t like the “waiting...” album version. regarding coy i imagine something similar to stars single:

1.coy (almighty 7”)
2.coy (almighty 12” definitive mix)
3.coy (almighty dud)
4.waiting for the rain (almighty anthem mix)

god, it´d be great!

it wud but we never get what we want :)

release of COY as a single
COY mixes
more unreleased stuff on roxbox

i wrote an email to Almighty and they answered this!

“Hi tavo,

Unfortunately there are no current plans to re-release any of the past Roxette mixes. Perhaps if you asked on our Almighty forum, one of our other listeners may be able to help you.

Best wishes,

Susie at Almighty”

[email protected]

so this means it doesn´t depend only on per wanting to release the remixes...

tavo, i wrote a simple mail, but got a slightly different response
Hi Neil,

There are no current plans to re-release past Roxette mixes, but they
may be featured on a future Remix showreel. Any news will be reported
on our website so stay tuned!

Best wishes,

Susie at Almighty

Maybe if more people emailed them and they see there is a demand for them they might release the mixes on some sort of compilation

this is just great! the response you got is much better than mine. i hope that one is true. it´d great to listen to those remixes. anyway, they belong to almighty now, since roxette is not planning to release them.

now, to everybody out there: start writing emails to almighty, we could get something...

I don’t even like remixes, but I’ll email anyway. I know people here really REALLY want the remixes. So I’ll do it for you lot!! :-)

its sad we have to end up doin this when im sure per knows how bad we want the COY mixes!!

but yea i think we shud all email almighty, im sure they will then get it out there for us

When I have enquired with Almighty in the past about the mixes they have suggested that the ultimate decision was with EMI Sweden “as they commissioned it”.


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