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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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129 replies

So Roxers, who’s seen it? Tell us about it, give us a link to it... make our day!!!!

Cheers ;o)

As always:
Sweet DVD quality.
Thx to Firestar!

its says the id does not exist

It doesn’t work

What does not work?

Where? I don’t find it...

the links. If you click on them it says “ID DOES NOT EXIST”

Thanxs Pietro!!! I’m allready downloading it :)


downloading..thanks....just sloooww

@ally77 Where do I click on the page?

Thanx Pietro!!! Always a star! :o)

Cheers cheers

The top link.... on the right hand side is the video!

Well I watched a few times before I comment....

I am really not sure, I like it, but not sure the video suits the song... I can understand wanting to use old video as it is 20 years....

... One thing for sure though it IS nice to see Per and Marie in a video togeather again, seem to have waited for so long for that moment!

So I’ll give it a thumbs up!

I tend to like it :)

is there no other links to this video. Thanks Pietro but its going very slow, it is going to take for ever and I still can’t get to the link of Ally77

and it is the top video premier on the right hand side... it will start on it’s own when you click it!

Yes. Unfortunately it just doesn’t start! :-( Have to wait for the finished roxbytes download.

I DO like it and I think it suits the song extremely good!!

go here for the interview too

I’m currently downloading it from roxbytes - for rthose who got it from there: is it ONLY a video for One wish or is the interview included there?

If not, could someone make it available for download too? thanks!

I managed to watch it on TV4 whilst doing the download... lol

I’ll know in 3 hours and 50 minutes...! BLEH

I love it!!! Looks really cool, and is better than I thought it was gonna be! Marie looks great

You can now watch it online on ROXBYTES while you are downloading.

how about the interview before the video. Could you make it downloadable too, pietro? I’d really, really appreciate that very much! Thanks!

Thanx Pietro! :-D

Adorable! Funny! Cute! Pop! Kitsch! LOVE IT!

Nice one Mr Akerlund! :o)

PS: The vid made me realise that the song isnt just a happy-go-lucky love song.... its also about Roxette: Marie and Per dreaming and wishing they’ll make it big one day... 20years ago. Perfect for Rox20.

PPS: 2 thumbs up!

While I like it, (Great job Jonas!!) it REALLY reminds me of what Eurythmics did last year!! Not very *fresh* if you ask me!!

Just to sum it up :)

TV4 web links:
(for viewing the video of “One Wish” on Nyhetsmorgon)
(for viewing the interview with Per on Nyhetsmorgon)

(Nyhetsmorgon - downloadable stream link - ca. 2.2 GB)
(for viewing “Nostalgitripp med Roxette från 2001”)

(“Nostalgitripp med Roxette från 2001” - downloadable stream link - ca. 12 MB)

Edit: Just uploaded “Nostalgitripp med Roxette från 2001” .wmv file to rapidshare (for those who have trouble with downloading from mms links):

for God shake! could someone upload it to megaupload pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Jeez 7 feastive hours to go still...!!

The downloads are now mirrored to a different server.

Actually if everyone would try to download one of the files only (the divx version, since that’s way smaller), downloads were way faster. I see almost everyone is downloading both files at the same time, currently simultaneously more than a hundred people. Since the mpeg 2 is a 85 MB file, you can calculate how much bandwidth is required to serve hundreds of simultaneous downloads.

If you just want to watch the clip, you can do so without any download. The flash file is on YouTube, so the loading speed is not related to the file downloads.

Thanxs Pietro!!!
I love the video!

A third server is now available for the download. Hope you’ll all get the file fast.

I got it now! Who wants to buy my download slot? ;-) Thanx again!

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!
Love the video too!!!

It’s funky, suits the song well.
The footage of previous clips is subtly included, and works fine.

Per’s suit is a little dull though... he needs a hawaiin shirt or something hehe.

100 times better than the vid for ON, but then it would be hard for any clip not to be.

i like the video, an it brings back great memories seen parts of the old videos!! it suits the song really well!! :)

hopefully the song can chart a bit but not expecting worldwide number 1’s :)

The video is great.

Why was I expecting it to be set in a bowling alley?

i must confess - i don’t like marie’s outfit. what a h... is it? and couldn’t they show us a bit more smiles on their faces. though i love the video all in all and yes, it doesn’t guite fit the song, but i guess it depends on our expectations and visions of the video before it was released. and i was expecting a video with per & marie involved in some action because the song gives the feeling of freedom, feels like you flying like the wind.

not fair! i can´t see the video!!!!!!!!!

It’s tooooo colourfull, I think...

But, I like it!! Especially Marie’s parts in it (-;

Thank you for the links!


I totally agree... That outfit Marie’s wearing on the video is just... Come on, she’s not Whitney Houston!!! LOL
Besides i think it’s way too colourfull...
They could have done much better although i’m happy to see them back together!

What is the footage that can be seen at around 2 min 10 sec?

Whitney Houston?? How do you mean?
But, you’re right. It’s surely not one of her best outfits...

crashroxer... there you go:



I don’t like her coat...

is it a 3d videoclip??? Put your 3d glasses and watch it!!

@brentnewtown - It’s Chances.

Whoops, it’s not - it’s Neverending Love... sorry about that.

Zargo. Thank you.

Great vid!

So thrilled to see Marie in a Roxette video again, YOU GO GIRL!!!

i love the video. i like the song, but i love this video.
really a cool one.

I think this video is the best they’ve ever done.

Still: is it me or Marie’s outfit and mood and gestures do not fit the video at all?

You can vote for the video ...

The song has so many hidden sounds that we
didnt hear on the stupid mp3’s *JOY*


I wonder how long it will be until an overzealous fan decides to go through every frame of the video, and map out exactly when and what previous rox clips are playing in the background?

Pietro, thanks for the download.... I went out while it was downloading, just 34 minutes to go! ;)

i don´t like it. too many colours.

A little bit dissappoint. But better than ON Video.

And it´s really from Jonas Akerlund?


it´s just great. i love this video. marie looks fantastic, her face is thinner again, she is so healthy.

No words for this video! justwonderful!
jejeje big thanks Pietro!

see ya!

The video is quite nice but I would have prefer it to have some clear images of Per & Marie singing...

Happy to see them back though, especially in a video with lots of special effects!

My favourite part of it is the last chorus where Marie sings alone. SHE IS GORGEOUS!!!

Thanx ROX BITES, you‘re the number one again!!!

I especially like the scene toward the end where you see Per’s face with changing sunglasses and smiles etc. That’s so funny ;)

can anyone do a translation in english??? of the interview



am I the only one who doesn’t like the video (at all)? :S I think it’s silly and looks cheap :S

Esp. the display of the lyrics in the video...
fontface looks so ’.....’

Judging from the comments around I expected it to be worse. It’s not one of my favorites, though.

Someone’s made a comment about “having more smiles on the video”....
Maybe Marie was having a tantrum about her outfit LOL (i still cant believe she wore that...)

I really like the video. My only criticism is that all the energy seems to come from the old clips. Neither Per or Marie seemed to have much energy performing the new song. Per was always a bit wooden in that respect, but is maries lack of movement something to do with her illness? I do remember someone saying she had problems with one of her legs or something

I like it it’s fun and clearly well intentione for the 20th bday celebration... Nice video cool efects and .. I mean it’s good to have Rox back

Yes, ncurran, I´m sure Marie´s lack of wide gestures has to do with her illness. unfortunatelly. it´s clearly seen that she is just doing the basic moves, with less expression. Poor Marie. But Per looks to me quite a mover and quite a dancer! He moves all the time, he can´t be made of wood, it is just that he has a stoned heart hahaha

i love it, its better than the too slick and retouched crap on mtv. :)

those pixelized fonts and 8-bit-effects add a nerdy and g33ky touch :D


Do you really think it looks that cheap?

To me after a second spin starts to look amazing.

First it’s a great way to show the 20 years of Roxette with all the videos but in a fun way. Also you can see Marie and Per on a new video plus all the old images altogether. For me it’s like paying tribute to the 80’s as Per says the song has some 80’s vibe. And specially it’s a tribute to the techniques used in the firsts videoclips and the old tecnology.

All the images goes so fast that it makes it so fun to watch. At least that’s my humble opinion.

I’m really enjoying it :)

that was my first impression, I saw it twice, ok, the quality isn’t good, but if I would see such a video by any other artist on any music channel I would think “what is THIS?” :(

I like the idea, it’s nice to see the old videos and go “hej this is “The look” - this is “Run to you”!”, but I think it wasn’t realised with much budget.. even the letters of the karaoke look extremely cheap :S

Ah well, I don’t watch any videos anymore (DVDs) and I doubt I’ll happen to see it on TV often either.. so I’ll survive :D

I really like the video!

Nice effects, And a video which is, with it’s style, really up-to-date.

Also very cool that this video isn’t a sort of a movie which shows you a story (like ATAY, although the videoclip is very good!)

OK, love the video. Its bright, cheery, 3D, Marie and Per look great, it even has a Peter Gabriel moment...

@ Judith!

No I thought it looked a bit cheap as well (honest me is back....)

Whilst I’ve seen it a few times now I don’t think it would rate as a top 10 or something....

I just don’t rate the overall quality of it at all....

.... but as I said earlier, it is nice to see Marie in a Roxette video again!

Well... it´s not that bad... I kinda like it... good memories, funny and some new effects... finally something good in this whole Rox20 disaster.

The memories in it are good... but I do think they could have come up with something better... especially as Jonas has worked on it....

@ ally77 - To be honest I never really liked Jonas´videos... never understood what people see in his works. Anyway this time he did a nice job.

I previously loved all his other videos! :)

Honestly I don´t like the video at all BUT at least we´ve got a new video and that is really cool.

In fact... the video made the song sounds better... I´m actually happy to feel a little excitement about this video, specially after such a big kick in the n*ts that this whole Rox20 releases has been so far.

I´m happy again ! :)

This video makes like the song even more!

I’m sorry but I really think this is a brilliant video! Step in the right direction. Funky. Visual feast. Nostalgic.

Loved it. Really really really loved it. If that video could turn me, Mr Cranky Pants, into a fan of One Wish then hats off to Jonas.

That was just one of the BEST vids from Roxette I’ve seen in a long time. I can so see it on music channels!

One of their best. Love it. Great attitude without trying too hard. Reminds of their tone with The Look video, attitude driven but with enough aplomb to make them look like veteran and old pros celebrating their career and a new single.

Love it!

Great work. Impressed!

P.S. Yeah I do miss Per without the guitar though lol

Its like a comfort blankie!!! It does feel wrong to have him without the extension!

To sum up the video - CHIRPY!

yeep ...the video made the song sounds better... but it’s looks soooo cheap.. :-(

i wish more warm colours and not to many..
letters are awful..
shots from old videos are chaotic

Marie looks great!!
Per is away from camera.. and where is guitar ? :-))

the idea is not bad..but somehow it’s doesn’t done very good..
however i’ll give 4 from 6-it make me smile again

Please can someone uploade the Per interview from the show? Thanks!

I have mixed feelings about the video, but I like seeing Per and Marie together again. I think Per looks HOT and SEXY (Grrrrrrr...). He looks thin and fit and I love the tie. It’s weird seeing Marie in loose clothes and there’s something about her face that looks different. Maybe it’s make up, maybe it’s plastic surgery. Do you think Marie would do that? I think that she looks great regardless of what it is she had done....what do you guys think?

I have heard “One Wish” song. I’ve seen OW-video too. I have to say the video is not the best Roxette video but it’s good, the kind of video that the situation required... with images of other clips. The song has simple lyrics but it’s so catchy and I like :)

another place you can watch the video now;

I don’t know If Marie used surgery... If it had been like that, I think it’s not something wrong... For example, my nose had an operation and it was not a whim i¡in that case.

Anyway, Marie looks great :)

I think it would be better with less colors. Those ultra-saturated colors make me feel dizzy. I don’t like the Marie look either: the dress is nice, but the coat is totally out of place. She looks too serious too, it doesn’t fit the situation. I mean, the whole idea is ok, but I’d change some little things to make it better. The video is a bit messy: images changing fast, saturated colors. As I said before: I feel dizzy.

I know many people is not going to agree, but I like Opportunity Nox more (I have always liked it). It was colorful, but the black background doesn’t hurt my eyes like “One Wish”.

oh wow! i really enjoyed it! that was also my first time hearing ’one wish’ as well, and i loved it!


2 thumbs up Mr Akerlund!!!

PS: Judith, it’s tongue in cheek - 80’s retro with a twist.

PPS: Anyone who thinx this is “bad”, “cheap”, etc... have you seen Robbie’s vid for RudeBox? Now THATS CHEAP AND BAD...

(Edit) PPPS: Wouldnt have minded a pretty smile from Marie and Per with a guitar....

Cheers cheers ;o)

whatever our art expert says :D I still don’t like it :P

PS: didnt see Robbies, I guess I wouldn’t like it either, i thought sin sin sin sin sucks too anyway

thanx roxbytes/firestar.

great clip.


I have to agree about Marie being too serious - she’s giving her ’You don’t understand me’ or ’Anyone’ performance, when a ’Big L’ or ’Fingertips 93’ (minus the belly) type act would be more appropriate.

“she’s giving her ’You don’t understand me’ or ’Anyone’ performance, when a ’Big L’ or ’Fingertips 93’ (minus the belly) type act would be more appropriate.”

Give the woman some credit.. she was 33 when the Big L. was shot.. she’s 48 now! :-)
I think she has become more serious after everything that has happened to her over the last years. But that’s ok, we all get older and who knows.. she might surprise us when there’s going to be a brand new roxette album.
I like the fact that she’s in a new video at all! And looking f***ing good I might at ;-)
(compare Marie to Madonna, who has the same age, and you’ll notice Marie looks much younger)

I couldn’t get the Aftonbladet stream to work....HUGE THANKS TO ROXBYTES!!!!! *Kisses Pietro*

Funky video, Per looked cool in his suit and tie. Marie...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Hell, the woman could have sat there brushing her teeth for all I care, just glad to finally see her again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I read that J. Akerlund is doing video for One Wish I expected that it will be something BIG. Video is below the average of all Jonas videos and I am a little disappointed of it. When Room Service came out the first video to TCOTH was GREAT. One With video is not worthy of that song.

“Marie being too serious - she’s giving her ’You don’t understand me’ or ’Anyone’ performance when a ’Big L’ or ’Fingertips 93’ (minus the belly) type act would be more appropriate”

Although i somewhat agree with that, i also think that Marie giving the performance she has actually changes the feel of the song, from something that’s very “lightweight” to a song with a little more feeling and meaning.

I’ve been watching the video over and over, I just love it. Pffff, there’s nothing wrong with Marie’s performance, if Marie and Per came to your houses for a personal performance you people would find something to complain about. It’s a cool and fun video, I’m gonna watch it again!

Here you have a little report from the making of One wish video :-) Scroll till 16th minute... Can anyone make it downloadable?

Just in case anyone missed this in the front page news comments yesterday ( on TV4’s Nyheterna (Tuesday’s 19:00H edition) there was also a short report about Roxette’s 20th anniversary and the making of the video for “One Wish”.
(for viewing the report bit)

(downloadable stream link)

The clip with only the part concerning the report about Roxette has been made available by roxflower from R2R (thanks!):

Edit: LOL tomos85 seems like we made synchronized posts! :P

sweepi - thanks a bunch!

@ sweepi


Thanx for those links. Kisses ;*

I’ve uploaded this file on if anyone is intrested:

Thanks Sweepi!!! I haven’t seen you for AGES, how are you???? Come and chat to us on the Marie board one day!!!

I liked to see the making of the video!

Thanx for making that video available, I couldn’t watch it at the TV4 website! :-D

Could anyone translate Per’s interview?

Does anyone has the first interview with Per from One Wish video premiere? Maybe I have missed some links here, anyone can help? Thank you!!!

Been watching the video a few times more and I can’t help but to laugh about Marie how she acts towards the end (when she belts out a bit).. very newage/newwave moves like she’s gone a little coocoo.. I just love it! Looks totally cool :-D


Just watched the video and it’s BRILLIANT. This must be one of the best videos Akerlund has made. The clip really suits the song. Very special, original, a lot of movements and cool acting of Per. This could have been a TWATG video. I really don’t understand the comments about the clip being “too colorful”. However, it’s not in MTV-style, so I doubt it will be played a lot.

IMO, the video IS pretty cool! :) Per’s nodding too much, though (something that a friend of mine also commented on).

Anyway, my sister and my best friend like the track very much - however they’re really NOT too keen on the video.

It would be great to see documents of Making OW video or Recording OW and Reveal in Skane. Something like with Mazarin or F5F. I thought we get some document about Rox 20! It´s a decade from last one - The Really Roxette.

I love it- in the TV4 you see him with the guitar, and it didn’t even make the video! Well, seeing as there’s not THAT much guitars in it, seems only fair.

Comment removed by author

I actually like both the song and the video. It’s of course totally cheesy, but it’s also very much Roxette. ;o)

(But I hate the single cover, of course.)

Thank you so much for this link!!! :0)
Rox on!

It would indeed be nice to have a translation summary (at least of the parts which might have actual/most interest for the fans) of those interview pieces with Per (from both Nyhetsmorgon and Nyheterna). And thanks already if anyone can kindly provide that hopefully... :)

@ Sparvogamarie: Always around, always tuned in to the Rox world. (As I say anyways) I’m just more of a reader-kind-of fan, not so much a writer-kind-of one, that’s just it... :P But still, cheers, and best wishes down to Oz! :)

Per looks better holding that guitar!

I like that video pretty much, but I think that it suits perfectly to “Crush On You” song... It brings all that “psychodelic feeling” of “Have A Nive Day” album (and its booklet)...

Did anyone see it anywhere except on one’s computer?...What musical channel is expected to play it?


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