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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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2 replies

Hey, I just received this from Son of A Plumber web registration. This make me believe we won´t see Roxette on stage live NEVER AGAIN. I understand because of the situation of Marie Fredriksson. It is obvious that if you analyse her movements and the way she performs on One Wish video, she´s now a changed person and I doubt she can afford to stay again in front of a rude crowd signing alive. Poor Marie. Poor Per. Poor Roxette 20. Poor Roxette future.

Hi all!

EMI Germany wishes to tell You Fans out there that while Roxette will play at
the Bravo 50 gala October 21, the segment will be pre-recorded. Roxette will NOT
be there physically.
EMI doesn’t want to cheat the fans into believing that they will see Roxette
live on stage and then they aren’t anywhere near there.


There’s a thread about this show already active here at the Small Talk Roxette section.

Here’s the link:

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


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