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Timeless songs

14 replies

What happened to writing timeless songs?
Songs that you will listen to in 20 years from now?
OW is not a timeless song?

Is Roxette starting to record songs to get sales NOW and then move on to the next project or do they try to write songs that we will want to hear again in 20 years?

I think its way more important for an artist to write timeless songs than just to write songs cause it will sell the cd today.

By definition, a timeless song can only be defined in hindsight. If it sounds good 20 years from now, people will say it’s timeless - if it sounds old and dated, they won’t. Who knows what they’ll say in 20 years? “Neverending Love” isn’t timeless, but “It Must Have Been Love” certainly is...

That’s exactly what I mean. Instead of writing an It must of been love they write a Reveal and a OW

But I’m saying you can’t know this in advance - as much as you might think there’s some magical sound that all “timeless” songs have, there simply isn’t - for all you know, “One Wish” might become a Roxette classic.

Don’t think so, OW’s arrangements are too trendy to ever become timeless.
A timeless song is elegant and simple at the same time. While, in my opinion, OW is too simple, it is not elegant at all.

I think Ballads are more timless than up-tempo songs. Roxette’s Ballads are timeless, you can see that because here in Germany Roxette songs are played every day in most of the german radiostations, mainly the ballads LTYH, IMHBL, FDLAF, SMT, C!B!B!, WICF and M&T&H.

i guess if we all live long enough we will all see. ne need to speculate about things that noone could know by now

anyone is timeless i took a while but honestly that song really hits a chord with alot of fans...

Default Green,
I agree with you all the way.
One Wish is quite bad if you ask me.
I think Rox could have released something so much more deep and serious after what Marie has been through. That would have connected to people more on an emotional level and NOT because the song is catchy and in-your-head-all-day pop. What the hell happened to the writing of majestic and meaningful songs: Crash! Boom! Bang!, I Don’t Want To Get Hurt. Even something like Little Miss Sorrow.
And after all - don’t people buy CD’s when the reach to a song emotionally anyway...?

Cool In Magenta, but on the other had you have songs like The Look, Joyride, HDYD! or TCOTH which to me are no different to OW. They may not be timeless but they were great songs during their times.

I think it’s easier to say a ballad is “timeless” due to the fact that they are less produced unlike the uptempo tracks which generally try to sound very now.

Eitherway, it’s hard to say something is timeless, when its only just been released. Did anyone ever think that IMHBL would be a timeless classic in 1989??

I know what you mean and agree with you to some extent.
However, something a little more raw (and up tempo and catchy at the same time) WOULD be held as ’timeless’ cos it’s purity will NOT date or “go out of fashion”. Music should not be made only to sell or be fashionable to any degree, otherwise it is simply not an art form and hence the word ’manufactured’. The only difference with something like this and say, the Pussycat Dolls, is that the artist writes the song instead of a hired EMI songwriter. That’s just bullshit.

Well, I guess when you have written a couple thousand songs you might understand that you can never have the same or closest of songs because they ARE “timeless”. Why would you want to hear the same thing over and over again every so often. Would you want another “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics–no, absolutley not. Those songs from their first (2) ablums came out at a time when people were more open to music ....IMHBL is a great song and will always be a “gem” (and played on the radio for years to come, but I think that radio and record companies who do NOT promote like they used to are mostly of the blame. Record companies now have to pay a lot of dough to get their artists on the radio. That’s why a lot of bands have gone to the whole internet webpages to promote! When you have a company that has your back and is willing to do whatever it takes to make a band famous and to make money but also promote one of the best selling bands in the world and then basically drop em’ like flies you have to question what exactly were they thinking. I think Per is probably one of the very few lyricist’s out there that is still capable of coming closer to a “gem” each time he comes out w/ a single or an album. WICF to me was basically that next “gem” that was way over looked (again) in the states which originally gave them that spotlight. Music and peoples taste’s have changed (which it should) Why live in the past and get your hopes up for something that probably won’t happen again (unfortunately). It’s been how long since they had that spotlight like they used too? 7-10 years now!?! MTV wasn’t willing to even put TCOTH on their show due to a “vulgar” scene w/ a golf ball and an old man aiming between a womans legs (even though they could have blacked it out?–c’mon!) Just enjoy whatever comes out and still support the band that’s touched us for so many years. The way I see it, is that so many people in the USA and other countries are missing out on some of the most gorgeous songs by Roxette. It’s almost a “treat” just for the fans who ’til this day have supported them, that stood by their band that brought us great joy. I’m sort of glad certain people haven’t heard their music because they are blind to new and old music/bands/artist’s and wouldn’t appreciate what Roxette or any other past artist has created. By the way, One Wish is by far one of their weakest uptempo singles (cool video) just like “How Do You Do!”. If you remember in a Per interview he clearly stated he needed another single for the Joyride tour and bam! HDYD! came out and even Marie stated that it wasn;t one of their brightest moments. Even Almost Unreal in a way was very disappointing. I believe (my personal opinion/I’m not speaking for others) the (4) newest songs from the POP/BALLADS hits were the best in a long time. Breathe may have been that other “gem”! I think ATAY was also in many ways “weak”. The music to that single is gorge (don’t get me wrong) but Per has never been a very “deep” writer. Sometimes I think he goes too “simple” when he writes but then again he has sold over 45 million albums just with Roxette. Peace.

We are supporting the band, its just it more of a concern to the credibility as an artist for Per...Not writing anymore timeless he losing it? people might its more of a concern for Per than anything else. Dressed for success sounds just as good now than it did back then, Joyride, The look, how do you do. OW will come and go

The actual intro and lyrics are what makes me cringe.

WICF is the most timeless Rox-song timeless for me, it’ll always sound fresh and modern. It’s been more than 7 years since it smashed thorought Europe as a real hit :(


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