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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Do they want to get back at us :S

5 replies


Just wondered... Maybe this JOKE OF A BOX ( New Name 4 It )
is to get back at us, that already has all this demos :)

Somekind of PERS REVENGE ( 2. Idea for a new name for the box :) )

Im more in for the name .... Pers Revenge - The Rox Box

The Rox Box-Pers Revenge sounds like a dodgy action film sequel!

Uhhhh ok :S But an action film with them :)

Per in a film... Change of subject :S .... Anyway...

How about Pers as ...... Crocedile Dundee :P

how about not starting YET ANOTHER topic about this bloody box!

I’m with Vix! ^^


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