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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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rox at the MTV european music awards 2006?

10 replies

alright. this topic is for you to forget about THE topic at the moment. let´s just consider this silly thing for a while. why not? they were there in 1994. this time rox is celebrating their anniversary and so is mtv (25, just 5 years older than rox). so what if they were there? playing One wish?

do not confuse this event with tonight´s, the VMA.

A medley would have been the best, i think.
Say a 5-6 minutes long medley with the biggest hits, like “the rox medley” and a part of One Wish.

Everyone knows Roxette’s old hits, to perform those songs in such a big show would have been huge. Priceless.

yea. that would be great. depeche mode did something like that in 2002. they had their “exciter” album out, and yet they played an old song at the mtv show. (never let me down again).

maybe they could recieve a Brit Award Lifetime Achievement or somethin similar

I thought only Brits got that?

No wait, Geldof (*shudders*)

no anyone can get a lifetime achievement.....even the spice girls managed it ha h ah ha

no anyone can get a lifetime achievement.....even the spice girls managed it ha h ah ha

no anyone can get a lifetime achievement.....even the spice girls managed it ha h ah ha

“Brit Award Lifetime Achievement “

In your (an my and Roxette’s) dreams

Night x


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