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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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15 replies

if you think Roxbox is not worth the money:

1. P-p-p-pelle, Flanders, Belgium male, 28y, fan since 1991

2. wilmpie_dimpie, Flanders, Belgium male, 28y, fan since 1995

depends on the price

Krischan, Germany, 30y, fan since 1989

Maddalena, Florence, Italy, female, 25yrs, fan since 1995

Depends on the price for me as well. Actually, it really depends if the material has been nicely remastered. If it has, I’ll be getting it. I’ll be happy to buy the product again if it’s been upgraded sonically.

Also depends on the price but signing anyway:
Andy, Slovakia, 29 years, fan since 1991

Lars, Germany, 34 and fan since 91! And still fan!
Have some better names for the upcoming releases:
Calculate sharp,
GreatestHitism - Money from new, old and stupid fans,
Cash Boom Bank (finally it fits!),
Don’t bore us - get to the record store and give us your money,
Have a new Ferrari,
Cash Service
Those titles are more realistic than “RoxBox”!

@Larsen 72

... you forgot the The Wallet Hits
... Have a nice pay!
... I wonder why ’Pay the price’ isn’t on Roxbox.

I’m NOT happy with the tracklist of the RoxBox, but I WILL buy it, plus the single and the GH album to put into my collection. But I’m NOT happy to spend my money on something I already have. I only buy it to complete my Rox Collection. sorry!

it’s not too late to sign and per agrees with this (“If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it and certainly don’t buy it!”) !

oh my god

I cant be bothered...i’m fed up of talking about the bloody rox box!

You know there are already about 5 topics in the “discussions” section with rox-box-moaning, and then all the topics in the news-section. Isn’t it about enough.

Everybody made his point, I did too, Per answered (be glad he did, not many artists would), that’s it.

Maybe some should be closed.

Sandra Muller, The Netherlands, 26, fan since 1993

@ roxreporter

This topic was opened before Per’s words...
and was started because I didn’t like the tracklist of the roxbox (compared to what was said before).


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