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A Thread to calm down

13 replies

I know that we’re all dissapointed (sad, angry, amazed, …) about the news today but I thought about the news we got 4 years ago, in autumn 2002, and came down again.

You too?

(edit: deleted link)

This has nothing to do with people being angry with the Rox-Box track list. Please, let’s not mix things up, right?

Hey, sure, you can’t compare the 2 things.. I mean, it’s not like my whole life was revolving around the compilation and box anyway..!! Thank God! ;-)

Those events are on seperate plains, completely different and cannot/shouldn’t be compared. Stop being so melodramatic.

Why even link to that article? No point at all.

If I break my neck you can remind me of the WW2, that other people suffered very much then, but that doesn’t help me.

Of course you can not compare those articles!!

But I have been very (!) upset because of the horrible artwork and I thought, hey, it’s not the most important thing... compared to 2002 when I was very down (in a different way) — like everybody else — when TDR told us about Marie’s illness.

Sorry for the missunderstanding, guys.

I got what you said, Joyrider - you’re saying “put this in perspective” and bear in mind that we could have lost Marie and Roxette altogether, forever.

I agree with you 100% Joyrider. On one hand it’s great to see the Rox community all fired up, but yeah, considering 4 years ago we almost lost Marie, who really cares about a stupid release? It’s disappointing for those who were hanging out for something really cool, but it’s not the end of the world. We Rox fans should be used to disappointment, for example most Marie fans were disappointed with The Change, but the point was we got her back and she’s ALIVE. Same deal here, the Rox Box sucks ass, but hey, at least we get a couple new songs, pix and videos.

The good news - if Marie pulled herself together enough to work on this, she can manage maybe a whole new Rox album in a year or two.

The fact we are going to get 2 new songs plus some other not-so-rare stuff doesn’t mean we can’t say the box set it’s a failure. We are not blind. Ok, some new material, but how about the rest.

Yes, Marie has been through hard times. But that’s not an excuse to accept whatever they are releasing.

Joyrider you are right ;)

I think the reason I’m most happy about Rox20 is that Marie is back and fine, so I’ll enjoy the 2 new songs :)

I agree, Joyrider. Though I’m kinda disappointed too, it makes me so very happy to know that they’re back for certain and that Marie is healthy again...

Most fans will probably buy only the One Wish singel. When Per & Marie recorded two new songs why not already 4 and they could release some EP like GT did several years ago.....

I’m sure i’m not the only one who feels disapointed about the roxbox tracklist, but in the end, as soon as the single comes out, i will be happy again. I didn’t really spect them to record anything new and they’ve done it, so lets see what the future brings, maybe there’s a lot of rox to come in the future, who knows....


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