The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The outfit!

21 replies

Did you like Per and Marie´s outfit from the new promotion pix?

I think Marie looks like old woman in her dress. She has such a gooood body. She shouldn´t hide it!

Room Service Cover Rules!

Something positiv -> I find the new pics brilliant ! :)

No one likes anything very much to do with the promo stuff atm... but hey! I think the pictures are great, except for the OW cover, which is a little too posed for my liking.

I think the pictures are great :)

there not bad. just the design sucks . pics remind me of DBUGTTC abit if had white background lol.

she is recovering... but the pics might be better , but looks good together.

Now it´s my turn:

I don´t like Marie´s hairstyle, her top, her trousers and her shoes!

Sorry for that!

lol her trousers and shoes and nearly the same as DBUGTTC pics lol

the pix are breathtaking...but it is still little consolation for the f*cked up Rox box tracklist.:(((((

I like the pictures.... just not the new designs!

The Roxbox tracklist sucks!

Subs... You’re wright !

What happend with Marie muscles?

My grandmother wore the same top one day *lol*!

@ substitute

I totally agree with you!

@Zelda > a hint: “don’t forget what Marie has gone through...” should be nuff.

You are right!

I agree, Marie’s top is awful but her shoes rule ;)

Marie is lovely !

marie can wear whatever the hell she likes persoanly i’m just glad shes here! ;-P

They look great! I don’t think Marie dresses like an old woman, she’s smart as ever!..

I like her dress in this video

Marie looks like she was going to get some groceries, and stopped along the way to play some bowling. That’s why she looks so “casual”, hehe.

The pose looks forced too, not enough spontaneous. Don’t look seriously to the camera, it’s not the pic for your passport!!! And their attitude says: “please, I wanna get out as soon as possible!”, like they were in a rush.


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