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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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67 replies

I think it’s time that you give your opinion on the front page. Like you make with the albums, I think it’s time to show the fans disapointment to P&M and EMI

It’s a very important new the fan reaction again this tracklisting.... It’ the most important new right now

I agree ! - I’ve thought about that also

I agree allthow i belive that they(emi...) allready know that fans are going be disapointed with the box.
I guess we were all specting something different, with more unreleased or rare material, some live tracks or whatever, but not the same old songs again and again.

Yeah I would be curious to hear what you think?

My opinion is that I’m disappointed of course. We’re talking about it. We’ll see what happens.

write something, we might publish it ;)

the best thing about this “news” is that TDR seems to be buzzing for the first time in a long time...even if everyone is pissed off

Judith: In what form? A letter, an article, thoughts, complaints?


GO Judith... But I think he reads this here in the Forum anyway ;D

I TOTALLY agree , look at waht everyone is saying, i think its kind of shocking. ps does anyone know roxette’s managment email addess ? mrs dimberg is it ?

Just sent off an article and got nice reply from Thomas. I was pretty blunt....see if it makes it to the front page :P

you go Neil lad , power to the fans :-D

I’ve been around here for long and as mod I read most comments.. I think this is the first time not a single soul likes an item, I’d say this tells something?

@Neil: good one! Cross fingers!

This speaks volumes Judith.

There have been a couple who seem positive about it, but like 0.000001% of the TDR population...

Sorry, go Neil! Hope it makes it!

i think its shocking me. Iv been here since well more than 6 years and never seen this many people dislike something. If i was per and marie and EMI for than matter i would be worried. :-S

If I was Per, Marie, or EMI, I would be BRICKING it...

I may also write an article if that is alright.

Me too, or a strongly worded letter heheheh...

yeah, tev and co - if you may use the fact you’re in charge of this site and get in touch with the management or even better Per and co ( to know how we feel) do so. Who knows, if they do care about us something may change - and the “love peas” miracle could be repeated.

for sure, let’s not leave it as it is now...

Yeah I wanted see Neil’s article... maybe if we get the message over the Per... they might change it!


What was the ’Love Peas’ miracle? I can’t remember... was it just a matter of changing the title of that collection?

@roxlad: yeah, that’s what I meant. i mean, it’d been a lot of moaning too then before the title got changed.


@gyllene_tjej that was a good thing but this time we need a very big miracle!

PS. I am convinced that TBH sold a lot also ’cos it’s cover attracts customers, it wouldn’t have been the same with peas! Even the cover of the new GH (if it’s real) is one thing you do notice in a supermarket among other titles also because of the close up photograph.... it’s all a matter of marketing! Anyhow I think I’m goint to bed now.... I’ve been on TDR forum all day....! Good night all.

Night night...

It would be great if this miracle could happen again. But I doubt it because of the lack of time that is left till the release. And I don’t think that EMI cares about our opinions.

I agree with some of you. That’s the first time, that something like this is going on here. Don’t know what to say anymore. Kind of sad but understandable, I think.

Guess we wont be heard... then we must show them our Protest ! - Not buying that scam !

Its a case of the straw that broke the camels back . We have waited and hoped so long for this, and we have been let down again and again. This is so disheartening. Now we have been so let down we’re releasing all our pent up frustration at the same time, hence the sheer volume and anger of comments.

Actually the straw that will break the camels back will be that One Wish will turn out to be complete rubbish when we finally get a sample of it! That would be the final nail in the metaphorical coffin.

gee...I will gladly wait some more months if it only could give us the upgraded box...

Hell yes! I would wait a year for a better one!

@whate ....... A Year ? :S No WAY :)

OK, maybe I was exaggerating a little...

They won’t though, partly cos of cost and partly cos it would be a PR disaster.

I just want a good Roxbox NOW !!!!! I want the 20 demo cd as promised !!!!

Oh fuck it, it’ll be a PR disaster if they change it and it’ll be a PR disaster if they leave it and it bombs- they can’t win really

Critics will have a field day revewing this. They cussed The Ballad hits and The Pop Hits so the revews for this will hold a lot of comedic value !!!

*rubs hands together gleefully* Mwahahaha!

ill wait a year cos im not buying it for some demos i have already , NO BLOODY WAY . Cant u see the are ripping money doing this ! Fans should feel used for this, its not cheap and the milking us. its wrong.

Unethical certainly.

I think someone just needs to make clear that the *fans* are certainly disappointed with this box tracklisting. Do they really think someone who is NOT a fan would spend their money on such a box?? So if the fans won’t buy it, who will? That should definitely be the question!!

“The RoxBox ’86-’06,” a real goodie for all fans who thought “they had everything.”

Quote taken from

and yes, I have everything actually, because I won’t buy nothing more.... And I’ll save to buy a volkswagen hehehe

@ mbatalla

You should release some GH albums so you could buy yourself a ferrari ;)

Or an Aston Martin.

It’s really nice to see that the fans in here are standing side by side on this issue.

If this tracklist changes meaningfully to a better one along the lines of some the fan made tracklists here in TDR, then we could really see that Roxette really cares about thier real fan opinions and not just about the money.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I wonder if the “protest” will make them shuffle their feet and quickly stick in something interesting to the box!

and if not, we know what we have to do: support our local female football team :D

LOL @ Judith

Maybe we should boycott the box, but we’ll all chip in and pay for Per’s next facelift?

Well, my money’s going for my graduation party in Las Vegas anyway. The jury’s still out on whether or not I’ll even pick this up at all.

Here is Dimberg’s e-mail address: [email protected]. It should work. I think it will be enough to send her link to this topic...
I really hope I am in bad dream!!!!!!!!!!!!

can’t we really hope to see Per or Marie or Dimman - whoever’s responsible, to make a statement on the whle thing... Then we would know if there’s any chance to see the changes coming...

Dimberg i already emailed her and told her to look at what the fans all over the net are saying, and said its a reflection of things to come , if things dont change.

I havent changed my mind, im just buying the GH20 album and thats just for the 2 new songs and thats it.. I refuse to buy something for some horrid art work and loads of doubled up songs. Sorry for strong opinion but feel so let down sill.

alrighty, I will then also mail the little article to Dimman... do you think she is going to read our mails? Maybe she simply doesn’t care as she has the last say in the project anyway?.....

I’m not sure I’m even getting the GH right now.

Is the new article on the front page everything the moderators officially will write about this?
In that case, unbelievable, the 3-4 moderators are the only ones not complaining. Wonder why...

c’mon, they surely are complaining too, it’s just that it’s up to them to see that the whole place does not turn into a battle field. I think they’ll doing a great job trying to keep the good face of this online newspaper.

And hell, throwing shit at Rox and co, won’t really do. What they need is reasonable, constructive criticism...

Throwin’ shit on Roxette?In what way? Is it not allowed to criticize Roxette?
If ALL the fans and members on the Daily Roxette site have questions about the box, don’t you think it’s their job to try to let us know what we want then?

We want to know why there are so few unheard demos on the box, why there isn’t Monster Hangover, why no remix of COY?

We don’t want TDR to criticize Roxette, we want them to let us know, by giving Per questions.

A “newspapers” mission is not to calm down people, a newspapers mission is to let the readers know what they want to know.

I can’t believe this is happening - I’m in shock!!

Please Roxette/EMI whoever - somebody change the tracklisting of the Rox Box and put in more songs we haven’t heard. Ghost In The House, Monster Hangover and Rocket From Her Heart sound really interesting.

Don’t You & How Can I Have A Chance On You- from the Tourism CD cover I have wondered all these years what they sound like? do they exist? if so please add it.

No word about this from the mods today. But they’ve written in lot’s of other threads, so... They must have something to say?

about what?

I copy/paste the first message in this thread.

I think it’s time that you give your opinion on the front page. Like you make with the albums, I think it’s time to show the fans disapointment to P&M and EMI.

Or are all the moderators overjoyed? And that was a message from the complete TDR crew? In that case, my apologies.

I don’t know if there’s need for so many “rox box disappointment” articles on the front page. I also wrote one, but did not send it as by that time Neils article was already up.

’Maybe we should boycott the box, but we’ll all chip in and pay for Per’s next facelift?’

Ouch, and I thought I was catty!

I can say that not all the mod’s are overjoyed, believe me!!

Its the arrogancy that gets me. Thinking we will happily buy the same stuff over and over and over and over... with the promise of some new stuff, because they are who they are. Sorry, it doesn’t work like that. We scrutinised it, picked it apart, and we don’t like it. Fans do that, we’re not going to spend 50 euros blind, now are we?


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