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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Marie performed live in Stockholm yesterday

8 replies

According to todays Aftonbladet Marie Fredriksson and Pugh Rogefeldt performed together at Tantogården on Söder in Stockholm yesterday. A good sign, I think, just before the promo of rox20.

Who stand it in Aftonbladet?

any pictures?

I’m looking, I’m looking!

Frontpage news...

(sings) “Another thread bites the dust” :P

Very nice news.

We want Roxette live on stage again!!!

Please anyone upload ... songs, picti¡ures wherever....

I don’t think this moment was registered at all. The most probable thing is Marie was among the attendance. When Pugh realised she was there, I guess he invited her to join the stage. That’s all, it was not planned. That’s why it was not announced here nor anywhere else. I don’t think the gig was recorded.

I doubt it was that spontaneous, but normally guest special artists are not announced in advance, THAT’s the thing about it ;)


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