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Will the One Wish video be in Rox Box?

7 replies

Of course not.

I´m curious about this and I think that it could be present on it.
What do you think?

Depending on how long the shoot takes and the post-production, it may end up in the Box. Also depends on how long they have before the final disc has to go into production. For a Oct 20 release i think it might be pushing it.

Probably won´t be... so they can release a future DVD with ALL videos again (read everything you already have plus “One Wish”).

I think it would be quite nice to have it included in the Rox Box... and REALLY, post production does NOT take very long esp. when one work with professional directors like JA!

Probaly as already said :) It will be on the next DVD :P

I think it’s finalized too late to be included. But it would be a nice track on the Reveal single!

soon rox will be able to release their ’Greatest Greatest Hits’

“You have got all 17 of the Roxette Greatest Hits albums... now any self respecting fan won’t be able to live without the Greatest Greatest Hits. All of the songs you already have, with all of the videos you already have, and all of the pictures of Roxette that you have already seen. But this time, packaged with a special sticker on the front of the CD case. No REAL fan should be without it.”



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