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Demos - Which one do you want ?

30 replies

I just LOVE the demos were PG sings *S*

Which demo would you wish would be availabel *Wrong spelling with that word - HELP ME SPELL THAT :)*
Hmmm.... I would love to have... Every demo that exists *LOL*

But beeing realistic i wish me *Hotblooded or Small Talk*
sung by PG... Hotblooded could be quite interesting :)

Anyway... Perfect Day were cool to... PG once said, he couldnt and that the demo was terribel...

I want demos of songs we never heard before. I am not crazy for demos of songs that were finally released, one way or another.

I Personally LOVE All Demos where Per sings...

But You’re right... New stuff is better :)

Hotblooded demo sung by Per - no way. Simply Per didn’t write this song, it’s Maries ;)

The Big L. demo, and the demos to the songs from RS and forward.

@RJ1976: It’s spelled “available”. :) So you just mixed up the 2 last letters.. not that bad.
And to comfort you, I think this is a word that many many people have difficulties to spell. I know it took me ages to learn how to spell it and I still have to think twice some times.

Yeah! A demo of “Hotblooded” would be cool (of course, demos of songs we’ve never heard are preferred, but the Rox Box seems to be filled with all kinds of goodies). Everyone of course wants “Svarta Glas”... I would like to hear any of the “Pearls” demos with the original Swedish lyrics, actually!

I wonder if they’ll get really brave and include a couple tracks from pre-Rox history, like “After School” or “Strul Igen”?? Would be fun (-:

stars demo, which according to the pop hits booklet is a rock version. i would also like to listen to the original version of TCOTH, which was originally a ballad.

@roxetanet: I guess you know the demo of “So Far Away” is included in Per’s demo album, under the name of Som I En Dröm. Love the Swedish lyrics, they’re so much better!

@Santi: Oh yeah! I completely forgot about “Som I En Drom.” Normally I hate Per’s falsetto, but that song is gorgeous anyway...

tavo, TCOTH was originally recorded for HAND, but finally was left out of the album. When they reworked the song for RS, they speeded up the tempo a little bit. But it was never conceived as a ballad.

Baby-C THANK U :) *LOL*

hmm i dont want a retread of bootlegged stuff so lets see

only you...
the demos to both new songs

Preferably none sung by per that were sung by marie on the final version, as there is usually a very good reason that marie sings the final version. ie. he kills it.

Witch song is tcoth ? :S

*The Centre Of The Heart*

SVARTA GLAS (never heard before), THE BIG L as the Making of joyride snippet sounds promising...”Take a walk it’s such a beautiful day, the sun is up you know it’s going your way”, any other unknown BMI registered song.

Doesn’t actually matter if these are gonna be Per’s or Marie’s demo. (although I’m more attached to Pers, some of them being really funny. Like the “true love might come from behind” part in MATAH.

Let’s wait and see and keep up the good spirits!

I’d only like to hear demos for songs from wich I don’t like the original production.

“Crush On You”, “Stars”, “Make My Head Go Pop (although I don’t like anything about this song)” and “TCOTH”.

@Roxreporter: I love all of those songs in their finished version (“TCOTH” is one of my all-time favourites!) but I, too, would be really, really curious to hear what they sounded like in pre-production.

I wanna demos of his careers in sweden, and songs never edited in lp :-S

“I wanna demos of his careers in sweden, and songs never edited in lp”

What do you mean? his careers? never edited in lp?

Demos from HAND and UP.


Come to think about it !!! I JUST WANT EVERYONE THAT EXISTS

20 a year were cool :) For the next 60 years :) So...

PER G. Grab a pen and start writing :) Be so Kind *LOL*

I don’t want demos from their solo albums because it is Roxette’s 20th anniversary and not Marie or Per anniversary.

“Ghost in the house”. I don’t know if there’s a demo for it, or if Per only have the lyrics. But if there’s a demo, I’d like to listen to it.

We basically have the demo for COY as per’s vocals were taken from the demo.


I wanna hear all of them now... But nothing from the Rox Box... we all know what demos were included ( or NOT included..)

Guess we wont be heard... then we must show them our Protest ! - Not buying that scam !

Give us some real Unreleased stuff

So does Per really read The Daily Roxette daily? Well, if he does, I hope, he is doing that to know something about his fans and their wishes.

I want a Chances demo...


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