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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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7 replies

Hi everybody,

some time ago I read about a song called Plonk. When and where has it been released? Or ist it another Myth like Myth?

Thanks, Stefan

Plonk was an iTunes bonus track for Son Of A Plumber. Just an instrumental track about 1 minute long.

If I remember well, it’s just an early version of “Ronnie Lane”.

It sounds almost exactly the same.

Thanks for the info!! Btw., the SOAP-Version of “Keep the Radio on” is brilliant, one of me favorites :-)

hmmm.... I like the lonely-boys version better... Have you heard ’Girl like you’? One of the best gessle-songs around!!!!

“Girl like you” sounds great. I wonder why these great song don’t appear on an regular album. Okay, we have it :-))

Love the title.


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