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I got One Wish Today!

14 replies

I wish that I don’t have to work till 4! I want to go home at 12:00!

Sorry couldn’t resist!

i wonder if this is another like Kroeby???? Hmmm........


So can anybody tell how it sounds. Is it guitar based like Sleeping..., synth like Crush On You, something between?

Email EMI and ask.

Do you think they will answer? I don´t. But if some people already have this singl, they can share their views.

basically no one here has got the single yet, that’s my view. If they had, someone would’ve said what it sounds like. I don’t believe for a second that they’ve got it, unless I’m proved otherwise

I believe what erweetiran meant was just a harmless joke by playing with the words “one wish”. He just meant that he had one wish (i.e. something he wished and not “One Wish” the new Roxette single) and he wished he wouldn’t have to work untill 4 today but rather could go home at 12:00. :P Get it? LOL In the end it’s just harmless humour. Please everyone lighten up. I feel “tension” building around here these days... Please take it easy. Just hold on tight. Roxette is “granting us one wish” any day soon so cheer up. :)

Ha ha, you´re right. My foolish. Bad joke.

Haha, now that’s a funny way of seeing it!
Probably the way best I guess.
We shouldn’t let these kind of people make us go mad with stupid messages like this. I also don’t believe any word they’re saying!

Some people just have SERIOUS trouble with reading!!

That is why I said

SORRY...could not resist

lol I took it as a joke anyway ! Altho technically it should have been “I’ve got one wish today” rather than “I” ;) But fair play.

ok I lied I have 2 wishes!

The other one is that I wish that they would give some damn info by now...well my first one did not come true so I don’t have much hope for the second one!

Ha ha! Right little wisecracker, aren’t you?


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