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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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it's silent at the front page........

46 replies

it’s soooooo silent at the front page of the dailyrox.
no news??? on the new releases

pretty boring.

Soon all the news will be bout the new album. Just be pattient ;)

I think is a recurrent behavior, a period with no news, not too much said, and suddenly there are one notice after another, even the same day, with a lot of excitement, joy and a lot of replies.

calm before the storm :)

u mean the calm before the disappointment before the thrill and then the disappointment agasin ;)

careful coyboy ure starting to sound as cynical as me! ;-)

It’ll come, just hang in there.

I agree!

News wanted!

I want the storm! I want the Storm NOW!!

I want to get drowned in Roxette new music once again!!!!!!! That’s my One Wish, hehe.

Certain artists just prefer to hold on to news longer than other...Take Robbie for instance if it happens at 15:01 it will be on his site at 15:02 (in detail)

Roxette is different..if it happens at 15:01 we might have it a week later

why they do it is beyond me

I prefer silence instead of “news” about Per partying with some asshole (like Robbie W or Paris Hilton - arghhh!) or some unknonwn athlete revealing he likes Roxette! LOL

ROFLOL @ Cowboyusa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you’re looking for thrills, you so have the wrong band, that’s for sure. One’s a recluse and the other keeps handing us the same stuff over and over.

Go on, flame me for that! I DARE YOU!

C’mon know you want to...

I’m just surprised that doesnt hasnt even announced that “one wish” is the new single, since it has been on the front page here for a couple of weeks already.....also will they update with a news section for the current release?

ncurran: Yes, they will. And that should be the reason why there’s no roxnews at Hope gets ready for ROX20 in time!

surely when there’s news announced then TDR will put it up??? Until then, we’ll have to wait

’If you’re looking for thrills, you so have the wrong band, that’s for sure. One’s a recluse and the other keeps handing us the same stuff over and over.’

@Sparvogamarie- Ooo that smarts! But you’re right, they’re up there with Marillion on the excitement stakes... oh yeah I was being sarcastic...

Cue the tumbleweed...

*tumbleweed rolls across the floor of TDR*

lol i think its calm before the storm , i think they will do some gigs in sweden and thats what there rehersing for lol.

Deffo calm before the storm! Soon enough we won’t be able to keep up with all the exciting news items arriving!!! :-)

yes, i thought the same when i saw the front page. i´m too anxious. i need to know something about the album, even if it is just another gh. i want a new picture of per and marie together. anything! i think i´m dying here. i need some rox stuff right now!

it might be silent here but on the old fanclub page theres a new msge for the 1st time in months.nothin to do wiv the new release tho :(

Still no raining?

I’m starting to hate Per’s mom, hehe just kidding.

Can’t wait anylonger and we know it’s too soon but when Marge!? when!?

’This town, becoming like a ghost town...’

Journalists are on vacation, Per and Marie are on vacation, probably even the ones who look for news for this site are on vacation!!

I recommend you:

P.S.: And take pictures!! :)

Ha ha, very funny... just remind me I can’t afford to go on holiday why don’t you?

Oh, I do, next Monday I’ll go by car to the UK! :D

It’s gonna be a great experience, I just hope I don’t mess with the road lanes... If I do, let me tell you all it was great to be at the Daily Roxette, and that it was a pleasure to meet some of you!! :DDD

It’s started to rain today ! I hope a storm isn’t coming ;) - I live in London and it IS actually raining BTW !!! Check the homepage peeps !!!

Whateveriam: It would be sooooooooooo funny if Tev and the gang got an animated tumbleweed to roll across the screen now and then!!!!! How cool would that be??

Anyway we got some news about the oh-so-thrilling Rox Box. *tries to muster up some excitement*

I’d love it- be ROFLMAO...

I really can’t afford to buy the boxset, but screw it! Empty bank account here I come

Anyway @ Santi-where in the UK are you going?

@sparvogamarie: “One’s a recluse and the other keeps handing us the same stuff over and over.”

C’mon now... “recluse” is a tad strong, don’t you think? Marie may not be playing 30 concerts in Sweden this summer but she’s still willing to sign a few autographs and makes public appearances here and there... when I think of “recluse” I think of the girl from Ace of Base or Agnetha Faltskog...

As for your comment about Per, I respect that you’re not a fan of his music but surely you’d have to agree that there’s a world of difference between “Have a Nice Day” and “Son of a Plumber,” wouldn’t you? Or even “TWATG” and “Mazarin”? To my ears, they’re very, very different projects...

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I finally got a flame for that comment!!!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for so many days for someone to notice it and SAY something, and nobody did and I was so sad. You win a prize!

God I love people who don’t get sarcasm. I like to poke them and poke them and POKE THEM!!!!!

Sorry to disappoint you, but that wasn’t a flame - I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense. I was just curious about where your comments came from, I didn’t realize you were just trying to rile people up for nothing. Better luck next time.

It was sarcasm dude. The rest of the board got it.

Yeah, like whatEVER... heheheh.

Still no news from mr G on SOAP site. It´s 6 weeks since his last post. No covers, no tracklists, no pictures. Only silence...

Still no news about radio playing of One Wish...

The Roxette drought has returned ... :(

Yea, they can at least give us something by now...It’s a month away...Robbie Williams is already making his song with remixes available a month before then damn time...really...we might as well go back to old fashioned wait for the cd come out and forget about the internet..reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy

i dont think roxette isnt using the net to the best of there ability sometimes. They have fans worldwide and the net is the best and easiest way to promot themselves. (they could do interviews on web etc etc all from 1 room without traveling)

The tumbleweed is indeed rolling across the floor of TDR...

It´s very boring celebration meanwhile.
But i still hope that in few days will explode pop bomb.
Am I right Mr G?

Oh well... Since a couple of days ago i have the same feeling and yesterday i decided to put it on words, just because i need to.

I’m starting to think that the announcements are taking way too long than they should. It’s ok if they want to rebuild the fans “hysteria” (which after all that happened i don’t think it’s needed at all, but in case of they already did it again, job’s done) but it’s taking too loooong and it’s becoming really annoying to know that One Wish is the new single but not knowing when we’re going to have the pleasure to listen to it for the first time. All the anxiousness about the 20’s and this new song what most of us have been expecting since you know when, it’s turning into something else and something else not so good as listening to Roxette again!

If it’s because a technical issue like the song is not completely mixed it’s ok we can’t do nothing about it BUT if it’s marketing strategy one could think it’s a bit heartless.

This is all i have to say of course it doesn’t express exactely how i feel but you get the picture, right?


P.S.: Of course i’ll be the happiest when i get to One Wish! I really like Rox and that won’t change because of waiting more than we have to, only needed to say what is written above...

Have a Nice Day

Note: Of course here i’m talking about management not TDR i know that when they’ll get the GO! all will be published it’s not up to them they’re doing the job the best they can and it’s a weldone job.

We’ve got a little while yet-I’m just hoping its a good song!

Edit- OK, I won’t say what I just said-I’ll get mauled for it.

email me when something happens cause for a 20th anniversary info is scares

Scarce- its positively microscopic!

Still no news... *twiddling thumbs*


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