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Is this Anders on US TV? or am I crazy?

6 replies

I was watching Last Comic Standing a few months back and when they flashed the audience I could swear that I saw Anders in the audience. To me it looks a lot like him. He’s sitting with a blonde (Jenny perhaps? havent seen many pics of her to know for sure) Check it out on Youtube:

42 seconds in they flash to the audience.. Either I’m crazy or bizarrely observant

No that´s not Anders. The man just has a similiar haircut like Anders but if you look on his face, you can see that it‘s not him.

hmm...ok...guess i’m crazy then ;-) am I the only one that thinks it looks like him?

he has Anders hairstyle, but the face reminds me of Ronaldo from the Portugese national football club

Somehow the link doesn’t work for me so I can’t check...

By the way, welcome to the forum Gesslefan! I see that you’re new here.

thanx sandyam. I am one of those fans who read TDR often, but doesn’t add my two cents to the forum.

@striker1700 good observation though


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