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one wish

31 replies

yeah, today i should get “one wish”. i’m so excited.

Ooooh. Why and how are you going to get it today?


Going to use their psychic powers and beam it out of some promo guys brain...

@kroeby1: So when you really get it, tell us about the song!!!!!!

Hope u choke on it! (I’m joking BTW)

Are you friend of Marie or Per? :) I hope you will love this song lol

no i’m not a friend of m or p. i have just a friend who has got really good connections to emi here in my country.
so i will never share the song or tell how it sounds, i will also get the future singles thru this channel. think you could understand that.

You’ll never share? :) So why are you writing that just to annoy us? ;D

All in all, in a month time, everyone will know if our one wish fulfilled or not ;-)

2 kroeby1: what’s your point in opening a thread about it?

please archive this thread...this is a pointless discussion.


clerk i agree. ow by the way im getting my 2 copies driect from the management lol. iv heard a sneek peek and its n uptempo with both marie talking turns singing the verse and both on chrous. lol

Whats the point in telling us if you aren’t going to share? The phrase ’rubbing our noses in it’ springs to mind. If you have good contacts in EMI fair enough, but swanking about it is just pointless, and asking for trouble.

I can wait a month to own the actual single - we might hear it before then anyhow. Anytime now hopefully - perhaps that is too hopeful tho !! Less than a month now either way - I move out of my house and into Uni like 4 days before this song comes out - so much to look forward to !

Edit: Whateriam - its not even that he won’t share it - that he won’t tell anyone anything about it is the thing I didn’t like - telling us how exicted he is to receive it early but not tell us anything about it - why bother ?? That is if he HAS even heard it. Good for him if he has - I can wait a month !!

’its not even that he won’t share it - that he won’t tell anyone anything about it is the thing I didn’t like - telling us how exicted he is to receive it early but not tell us anything about it - why bother ?? That is if he HAS even heard it. Good for him if he has - I can wait a month !!’.

I KNOW! The sharing and lack of is not annoying me, don’t get me wrong, its the ’I have this and you don’t’ attitude that hacks me off. If he wants to keep it all to himself, fine, but keep quiet about it- its just rude.

OK, I suppose the guy is happy he is getting it (well, duh!). So I’ll leave it for now. Just remember some people will never be in your position.

’so i will never share the song or tell how it sounds, i will also get the future singles thru this channel. think you could understand that.’

Ah, NOW I get it... are you not meant to have them in the first place?

don’t want to annoy you. just wanted to tell that i’m excited to get it. sorry if someone feels annoyed.

Oh, don’t worry about it hun... if you get it, thats cool, but just remember that everyone will be giving you green-eyed looks from now on until it is released.

Please next time you make a post, think before what the post will be about and the reactions people may have with it. It’s ok to be excited but to yourself not to all the other people who is really expecting to hear something new from Roxette for a long time. In case you didn’t notice but you’re counting money in front of the poor and that is not something a good person would do. And plus being childish!! Oh i’m not gonna tell nor share!!

With you getting One Wish was fair enough, but all the explanations weren’t needed at all...

Hope you just mistake this time and be a good person otherwise is just stupid.

If people can’t keep their mouth shut about such a thing I am sure they can’t keep the song away from the public until the final release either. I bet this person would leak it immediately somewhere, somehow, don’t you think? I mean, he’s so eager to let people know that he’s got something special. He can’t keep it for himself. You’ll see.....

me thinks kroeby is taking the p*&@ out of us!!!

If you have a source, fine, if you get the song, fine, but I doubt your source would be happy about the fact that you come here and tell about it, even though if you don’t give names here, it’s not difficult to guess who is who. Your source must trust you SO much ;) - I would not like to be one of the few to have the song right now, imagine it is leaked O_o

@ judith - totally agree. If I was honoured enough to be in that position- I would hope that I was a bigger person so as not to flaunt it in the faces of my rox-friends.

and I have my connections to get your source into reaaal ;)

no i have no fear about a leak. if there is a leak, it is 100% not me. i respect the copyright of every artist and i do not have one record who is not paid.

i just was so happy about it, that i will get the song the next days. (did not get it at the moment)

just wanted to share my happiness with the community. but i must say, the community don’t want to be happy with me. i only feel the people are jealous about what others have and themselves not. another lesson in life, i’ll keep in my mind.

please close the thread i’m not happy anymore and want to stop this discussion.

you might know that you won’t leak it, but will your source know? ;)

Besides that, it might be that your source gets in troubles if somebody up above finds out he/she is sending away the song to a fan.

There are things you have to share only with your non-rox friends and family, besides all what I said above, you are only creating “bad image” for yourself - get what I mean? ;)

yeah know what you mean judith. but my source is not in danger. i do not have a direct one. it could never be a problem for that guy. i also have to say, that to get a rox track is no problem. i do not like to say that. rox is not really a big number anymore and it is easy to get the new track. if i would ask for a new robbie williams track for example that will be a hole other thing. do you know what i want to say?
but now its enough about this. please close it, ok? thank you and hope we all enjoy one wish.

@kroeby1- I can see it was done with the best of intentions, so don’t panic. Don’t get your friend in trouble.

If they get caught, deny everything! Your source IS in danger because you’ve told everyone you have one publicly! I understand doing pm’s to friends saying you are getting it, but saying it on a public forum is the worst thing you can do.

As i was riding by the beach some summer night

The radio shouted out one of those songs that might just change your life

- It went like this:


You know what. The thing is that in this forum it’s a bit more important to get the new Roxette song than hundreds of Robbie’s singing together with Madonna and all the Spice Girls including Geri plus U2 and Coldplay!!

Of course we don’t mind that someone get something we can’t but we don’t need to know, specially this item. Is that clear? It’s not jealousy... Lucky for you to have this contact but use it well.

? sorry, i did nothing ilegal!


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