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Does Anyone Think This Is The End?

36 replies

Does anybody else feel like this could be the last thing Roxette release as a functioning group? My opinion is that they want to say goodbye for good and feel like the 20th anniversary is the best time to say a proper thank you and goodbye to the fans.

I dont think so actually. I dont think that there will be another big project with lots of promotion and touring, but i do think that Marie and Per will want to work together in the future even if it is a more low key project

No, I don’t. :)

I also don’t.

And dont forget, we still have the Greatest Hits for the 25th anniversary in 2011! :p

nope :)


sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t. Today, in particular mood, i don’t. They’ll be a new album next year, i’m sure of it

If they are, they’ll say just before the release of One Wish-so everyone will rush out and buy it cos its the last chance. Well its one way of selling records isn’t it? Roll on September!

Definitely not.

dont know... hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

dont know... hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

It seemed like TDr know something that we don’t (just by looking the moderators “smile”), and it seemed like something great :)


C´mon guys!!!! until the RoxBox and the rest of the material be released, this is pure speculation.
I´ll enjoy day by day, no matter what. And please don´t see things so gray.

I thought that, but I don’t think so anymore. There will be some new Roxette stuff sooner or later...

I also don’t think that this is the end. I am quite sure that we will get some other GH in five years.

Yeah, if they realease another album, they could release another Greatest Hits album one year later around Xmas time... Sounds “roxettish” to me ;)

i mixed on this.
part of me thinks this is the last push for a while. Then marie is off to spain to retire and per will become a writer / producer.

Then part of me thinks they will go another 10 years, But i cant really say.

No way! I guess just the end of a chapter and at the same time the beginning of a new one...only time will tell

I might be pessimistic, but I kind of think that this is the end. Due to Marie’s illness (in spite of the fact that she seems to have recovered completely) I guess she wants to take it easy, which means no albums, no tours, and no more Roxette as it used to be (an active band working hard)
I don’t see Roxette working in a low key. IMO, Per is far too ambitious to be happy with that. I think that if they can’t work it out properly, as it used to be, they will just stop it.
I wish it wouldn’t be like that, because I’d like to see them live (something I couldn’t do so far) but I guess this Rox-Box and Greatest Hits it’s not only a celebration of the 20th anniversary, but also a nice way to say goodbye to the fans.
Sorry, just my opinion.

Oh well, I don’t know many bands that have a box around and are still alive and kicking, besides the obvious exception of the Rolling Stones which are a case study in themselves.

But I agree with ncurran, as I also said on some Spanish discussion (and before ncurran, so I was not copying him :D), that this is not the end, there might still be a 25th Anniversary Greatest Hits! :P

I can think of three artists who have gone on to release more original albums following a box set, and so can all the rest of you: Gyllene Tider (1990), Per Gessle (1993), and Marie Fredriksson (2002). The Rox Box has been planned at least since 1999, and - unlike the other boxes I’ve listed - it won’t just be all the albums to date packaged in a cute box with some new liner notes and a bonus CD... so no matter what, it will be more interesting than the average box set, I think.

I don’t think either Per or Marie will ever close the door on Roxette altogether... we’ll only know that they’re done for good, I think, when one of them dies (hopefully a LONG time from now!!!)’s not like they’ve stopped being friends or no longer enjoy working with each other, right?

Excuse me, but must I remind you (like Per and his gang usually do) that Gyllene Tider ceased to exist in 1985? :D

I honestly don’t know at this point in time. Much as it would be an oppurtune moment to sign off on Rox, there’s life in the old dog yet! I mean, everyone on here wants (good) new Rox material, right? (I’m not implying it is going to be awful, so please don’t kill!) A new single is a starting point, progress, whatever you wanna call it.

Anyway, do you honestly think they would have kept us in suspense for years, and then choose to drop a bombshell like that now? I don’t think they’re that cruel.

@Santi: Ha ha! Yes, indeed... “F5F” was the ghost of Gyllene Tider, I suppose... the bones of the GT corpse dug up for one last hurrah (-;

Some thoughts on the Rox Box and a new GH...

I get the feeling that Per and EMI are very concerned with there being an up-to-date collection of hits and videos at all times - as though people would think the band was really dead if the “greatest hits” ended in 1995. I think in Per’s mind he believes that there are new fans popping up all the time (I don’t believe this is true, but what do I know?) and that there should be an up-to-date collection available for the new fans so that they don’t have to scrounge around for out-of-print DVDs and deleted CD singles in order to get caught up with what Roxette has done. Problem is that there really aren’t very many new fans and us old-timers already have everything, so it’s hard to put together something that is both marketable and will keep the existing fans happy.

Whatever decision Per and Marie make about releasing material has to be in line with what EMI thinks will make money - singles don’t make money and are short-lived. Without a whole new album, I don’t think there’s any way that EMI would release new Roxette material - the singles just don’t sell well enough to make that worthwhile. There will always be a greatest hits album that remains in print though, so it might as well be updated - that justifies the expense of coming up with new packaging, marketing, etc.

Okay, last post in this thread until someone else posts!

If Marie wanted to pull the plug on Roxette/her singing career, her illness would have been the perfect reason and time to do so... I think we were all delightfully surprised when Marie announced plans to keep recording back in 2003 but we would not have been surprised at all if we just never heard from her again. I guess this tells me that music is still in her future - if Per continues to write good tunes, I’m sure Marie will be there to sing ’em.

Roxette is more than just a band.. they are a family.. they will keep going and keep releasing stuff every so often until the day they die..

I hope not. Although the way things look sometimes you may think so.

On the other hand the very optimistic/happy posts by the moderators suggests something else.

But roxtexanet makes a good point about Marie, and I totally agree with that view.

well it was her idea to record 2 new songs this year, so it doesn’t look like she doesn’t want to hear talk about Rox anymore? :)

Maybe they are a family. On the other hand: A band who doesn’t tour isn’t a band at all. They’d need to do a lot of promotion for the next albums. I am quite sure Marie isn’t interested in that anymore.

@Judith: IMO, two songs don’t mean that Marie wants to come back with Roxette as it used to be. It means that she thought that two new Rox songs would be something nice for the 20th anniversary. I really think that after her illness she’s more interested in another way of working, a more relaxing one. Besides, I reckon she wants to direct her carreer into a different direction, maybe a more mature style of music, like in her cover album. She’s been a rock star for more than 20 years, and she might think that it’s a long time, more than enough. At least that’s the feeling that I get.
Mind you! This does not imply any kind of criticism towards her. She’s free to do whatever she wants. And she’s had a brilliant carreer. Hats off to her!! :D

well it doesn’t matter if this is the end... i wanna see Per live .. and I think there’s no chance to see Per live with Roxette ...

So Per, do your own thing !

i wasnt expecting to come back on and find this many replies lol :)

some intersting comments tho.

maybe it is just a celebration of 20 years and perhaps there will be another album at some point.

i still want them to work together....i still want the chance to see them live on stage.....i want them to have another hit in UK......i just thought perhaps they might be saying farewell.......though i hope im proved wrong.

Im rather sure there contact with EMI will run out very soon, im 90% it wont get renewed aswell which will take years to find a new record label.
i Do really hope im wrong and contin to make great music like blondie still does.

I think we all do-though if they lose out with EMI, maybe they’ll end up with a ’better’ record company/deal or whatever

lets not forget sony/ epic warner and island in the usa passed on roxette twice I think once emi ends the contract unless per and marie have some exclusive distro deal with emi it is the end in terms of mass marketed stuff from them, but hey the bad hair day was a big success I’d liek to see that happen full time, lkess pressure on them to record full albums etc


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