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Marie´s hair - II

15 replies

Is anyone out there who would also prefer Marie with longer hair?

The style from 2002 looked very simple, natural and pretty. I like her haircut in this video.....

i loved maries hair for the ’a thing about you’ vid. never seen that style it like semi punk semi somethingh else was well cool. would of looked great with some black streeks mix with the blonde. liked RS marie hair aswell.

Yes, she looked very very cool in 2002! We can only guess about Marie’s look for ROX20. Last pictures are from May, the bowling session must have been in June. Maybe they do/did additional photo sessions.

I love her hair in this video. A “perfect 10” for this haircut!!!
Oh, I still remember this great feeling to see her after all this years with (a bit) longer hair (-; Wow, she looked soooo gorgeous.

I also love her hair during the RS-era! In every interview, video, concert etc. she looked so fresh and young....

Ok, ok, that’s enough!!!! *g*

Well, we will see if she has grown her hair for these few months ... hmm, everything is possible (-;

All in all: I’m very very happy she’s BACK again!!!!

Marie Rules!

Loving the photos mate! Marie does indeed rule.

crashroxer your so right , so looks so great in them.

I like Marie’s hair in June Afternoon :P

Personal favourite is in LTYH-not too long, not too short. Perfect :-)

marie with hair to long , its not marie ! ! she has to have shortish blonde hair or its not her if not LOL

How old are you here in this discussion? Not her hair is importand, her fantastic voice and health must be important.


Crash: That second picture screams:

“Okay Marie... laugh it up at my expense. Uh huh, sure you’re sorry. That’s why you keep snickering. How was I supposed to know it was a wig!?”

ROFLMAO- it so looks like that! I though I was the only one who does that when I see photos!

For an example, go to




and look at what I wrote underneath, (I think they’re the funniest ones). The funniest ones I wrote, I don’t know about anyone elses, apart form the ’Fox Mulder’ comment, which had me in hysterics...

It could be a sport really, couldn’t it?

christian its only abit of HARMLESS fun, no one ever said her health wasnt important or her voice , get your head out your arse and lighten up.

I adored her hair during CBB. I like shock to see how short it is, but it was perfectly suit with her, but years later I think having longer hair like during Room Service could make her looked younger.

Well, according to the latest pix Rox-Van shared on another thread, Marie’s hair is still exactly the same!!!


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