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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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First fake One Wish...

8 replies

Just found the first fake one wish mp3 I think, on Emule, its the 7/27 demo .. any other fakes found yet?

lol You’re right - there’s three of them now !! Quick !! Delete it and stop it spreading !!! I hate fake songs. Very annoying !!!

Nope, I don’t even look for them ;) I’ll be patient, cos patience is a virtue ;D

Does TDR know when airplay of OW will start? ;)

If we would, it would be on the frontpage...

Damn if I had more time, I’d be making some more fakes myself! *evil grin*


i found 7twenty7 demo and a song, like “dance music” or something, very funny, and i liked it, so, i kept it! ;)

At least some good has come out of fakes!

Well its not always new stuff that appears as fakes...

I wanted to download Play With Fire and became
Mama from the Spice Girls... Now I’ve got a trauma :S

*No offensive if U like the Spice Girls :)*


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