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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Best wishes for Roxette!

4 replies

I wish Per and Marie lot´s of LUCK with the new single and the “ROXBOX”!

But without a “good” promotion I think it will be a flop!

I hope the D&D management and EMI are planning something special for the upcoming “comeback”!

Roxette should perform in a big TV show! that’ll only be broadcast in Sweden...

I’m hardly going to fly over there and park myself in front of a TV in a bar or something, watch then fly back, am I?

Best of luck anyhoos...

Yes, that‘s right, they have to perform in big TV-shows . Every rox album has charted in the Top 10 in Germany in the first week.
Rox Box????

That’s right for Germany and that without any of the biggest TV shows.. I wish they would get the chance to perform on ’Wetten Dass’.. one can only dream...

No, the GH albums did not all:
DBU-GTTC 17, 07, 05.....
TBH 10
TPH 25?
BEE and POP97 didn’t chart at all AFAIK.

But all the new studio albums after LS did very well: J 01, T 01, CBB 02, HAND 02, RS 03. “Wetten Dass..?” would be fab indeed!


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