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What is marie saying?

4 replies

hey i found a performance by marie and afterwards there is a quick interview but i cant understand a word! HELP!!! GUNA GET LINK IN A SEC

am I the only one who really wants to hear marie sing some of patsy cline songs?

I’m not gonna translate it word by word, but this was what they were talking about:

Hi Marie. It’s great to have you here.

What a beautiful song - ’Sommaräng’ by John Holm.
This time you didn’t write any songs. How did you pick them?

-Well. I’ve been going through, you know, old LP’s. I’m been searching and searching and all of a sudden. The perfect song. It’s hard to explain. It just happens.

How does it feel to sing again?

-Oh, it’s great! Fantastic!

Everyone knows you’ve been really ill, but you have still managed to record an album?

-Yeah yeah, I’ve been sick, but not anymore.
I feel great now!

How did the disease change your life?

-I’ve been chillin’ and taking one day at a time. I’m so happy that I’m alive!

When it was at its worst, how did you cope with it?

-I’m a strong woman and I’ve got a fantastic husband and family. He’s been very helpful and supporting.

And now a question from Benny Andersson (the guest of last weeks TV-huset):
What’s your most memorable moment with Roxette?

-We were on a tour abroad. Australia actually. And that’s were I met my husband, Micke.

How did it happen?

- I don’t know. It just did.

Do you think there’s gonna be some more Roxette?

Yes, this fall we’ll release a collection with everything we’ve made and a couple of new songs.

Thanks! I have this performance too. Hard to get a little clue about what they are talking in swedish, but I was not that far

thanks strest much appreciated


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