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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Great 2001 vid of IMHBL.

4 replies

on your tube i found a wonderful version of marie singing IMHBL and i have to say its the best live version iv heard her sing it.

plus i found this from rs tour (hotblooded), marie and per looking SO great . The fashion was wicked they both look fantastic marie looks so happy and sexy. and sounds great . from what i see i dont know why people knocked this tour so much.

Yeah, the HOTBLOODED performance is incredible. Marie has the power!!!

Yeah that version of IMHBL is great, the songs where its just Per or Marie with a guitar/piano always sound great.

Hotblooded sounded nice too, interesting that she changed the chorus?!

isnt that the barcelona showcase?

yes it is coyboy


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