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Sexy Rox

16 replies

hey, i consider these songs the most sexy from roxette, i wish someone makes a new remix with all of them, come on please roxstar or another fan!

Do you get excited
Crazy about you
Phisycal fascination
Wish i could fly
Sleeping Single

Hotblooded, Caleb?

yes, i always dream with a great video of Marie, very hot jeje

Wish i could fly, plus the video was very sexy without making her look a whore like most female pop stars. (Beyoncé , britneys, christinas ect ect )

Physical fascination for me most definately!!!!!

I think the most sexiest song ever is: ,,Hot Blooded”

I could never give you up.

listen to it if you don’t think it’s sexy.


that’s why Look Sharp is the most sexy album ever make, Marie was so 80’s, she got the look , posse, dressed, and Per the same....

i think marie was sexiest in RS album / period. them pants and tight tops, and make up was spot on perrrfect.

I think that Marie NEVER looked more sexy than on the photo sessions of the “Joyride” and “Room Service” albums. I like the Joyride photo sessions, especially that tight black outfit where you can actually see her bra. Really really sexy!!!

OK, and what was the most unsexy outfit?

The most un-sexy - That ugly dress Marie had on “Stars” video!!

Just cos you can’t see anything...

I agree though it isn’t the greatest dress in the world. The headpiece is worse though

The eyebrows were enough! Marie was very brave to do that...

For Per, the video of Vulnerable!!!!!!!!!!! he looks so damn good!!!! I think LTYH video is sexy too.

I could Never Give You Up is so sexy - also I think Physical Facination is too

Hey look Paint in LookSharpLive when Marie reach her legs with the microphone is so sexy my male friends enjoy her performance yes, and Cry was good too.....


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