The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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6 replies

Hello, please i need someone send to my mail this songs> do you get excited
i coul never give you up
because the original from my CD are demage, now i must buy another Cd but i want to listen to them soon, please.
[email protected]

Well if you get the CD online you could have it in two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i live in Cuba, it takes a couple of weeks at least, please send me the song for keep on enjoy them while the CDs arrive..

This is a lesson in why home taping will always be necessary...

yes is necesary to record and save all the material many times.
please help me!

I can’t! My connection won’t take that hammering!

Hola Caleb ... mandame un mail a [email protected] y me decis a que cuenta te lo mando, si?


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