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Roxette site

30 replies


I’ve made a new Roxette site. If you want you can have a look on it. It’s not perfect and looks a little bit cheap. It was a lot of work. But try it yourself:

The link is not working for me unfortunately...

for me neither...

it works for me, i like it.
i can see that was very helpful while doing this site :)

Hi Patty - do you have some nice pics there somewhere?

It will follow

@ Patty: If you want to use news from TDR, fine with us, the only thing we ask is to at least make it 100% clear that the news come from TDR (copy and paste).. could you add a banner on the top of this page?

and clearly state news are taken from here?


Sorry, I thought it was clear. But I can do this. Sorry

:) thanks :)

Patty87: You actually “stole” the discography from How do you explain that??

Oh, oh, so much negative critic. I think I’ll never work with a computer again. Yes I used this from planet roxette. But if this is not ok, I will changed it, too. Or I close this site. I don’t know. It’s a pitty I made this site for you and not for me. Now, I’m feeling like fool.

Seriously, what kind of reactions did you expect? “Oh, you copied our news and didn’t say so, how nice of you! Keep on doing that, we don’t care!” or “We spent countless hours on that discography and pay for the traffic, we don’t mind if you take our work and pass it for yours and even link to our pictures!”? You have got to be kidding...

Before I can give you feedback, I’d like to aks some questions: Why are you interested in offering recycled (stolen) content? What was your intention while doing this web project? What is your website’s »USP«?

Patty, the problem is that your website is sort of a puzzle consisting of pieces of other websites. The people who own them, created them and always bring them up to date have not not only worked hard to make the sites what they are they also pay for their traffic!
What you should have done at least is ask TDR and Planet Roxette if you are allowed to copy something from their sites and not wait until someone notices it. And if I were you I would stop stealing other people’s traffic. If you want to have your own website you also have to bear the costs.

hej, let’s just discuss this as adults :D

Patty: now you know you cannot simply take work done by others and put it on your website a) without asking for permission and b) without giving proper credit :)

I cannot speak on behalf of Planet Roxette, but as far as The Daily Roxette (and - now that we are at it) is concerned, and as we ask anybody else who uses news from here, either using the copy+paste technique or “re-writing” it on some weird English dialect or translating them to whatever language, what we ask in exchange is:

a/ Full credit to the author of the article + link to the original article on TDR, kind of
“Article written by Thomas Evensson/Judith Seuma/whoever else for The Daily Roxette”
linked to the original article

b/ A link / banner to TDR.

c/ would be nice if you contact us and explain us your plans :)

as for pictures: same as what we do here on TDR when we use pictures from other websites, copyright info /name of photographer.

At least you didn’t know or think twice about the consequences, it is worse when even so called “professional webmasters” copy stuff from other sites without asking for permission :@

Ok, now I’ve closed this site. I thougt it’s better. Sorry for all. I’ll never do it again. It was a great mistake. Sorry

that’s dissapointing... If you just followed the rules of the internet/copyright, your site could still be open.

Thats right - if you are going to attempt this again, please follow the rules-’they’re only there because its fair’ as my friend says.

Yea, I know you’re are right. But before I do something like that again, I will get more information what I may do and what not. For example: when I copied a text and I make a banner, have I still ask the owner for using it? and so on. I know it wasn’t fair and I can’t do more than saying sorry. Believe me, it’s better so. If I start a new site, I’ll make a new concept. But I’m not sure if I should do it. Bye

No, no, do it hun. Yes, you do ask the writer of the text if you want to use it. Just stick to guidelines-and you don’t necessarily have to ask about banners, most sites are just glad of free advertising! I’m sure TDR won’t mind a banner and a mention in the credits, will you guys?

Oh, yeah, and some Rox sites CLEARLY state not to copy the pictures (a UK one in particular if memory serves). So, just read them before you copy- it might have disclaimers and stuff, OK?

Ok, If I make a new site, I’ll follow all your rules. That’s a promise. don’t be angry to me. Sorry

No ones really angry hun, they’re just educating you.

Well, I’m not angry at all, I don’t know if anyone else is.

I think there are numerous sites that give summaries of copyright law, so have a look. Or just ask here if you don’t know something, I’m sure someone will know, and I’ll try and help if I know. I mean, asking TDR if you can use a TDR article, R2R if an R2R article can be used and so on is just sensible practice.

Ok, thank you

nope, I already said we don’t mind if websites use our news, as long as it’s correctly stated/credited :)

You should not close your site just because of this, just start again - this time asking for permission, it’s just a couple of emails to have everybody happy! :)

At least you recognise the mistake :) There are some others which despite us asking, they keep on “forgetting”. An example:

lastest piece of news, picture taken from TDR, named the same, anybody misses the source? ;)

I don’t think there is any big deal in stealing photos from other sites... as long as you don’t go posting them on your own site and claiming them as your own work...

Remember half the sites around that are Roxette related have pictures on that have been stolen from somewhere whether a magazine or a paper or another site....


Oh!! Really? Ha! Ha! Ha! Sorry.
We just take the picture cover from another source...
Now all is right, no? ;)

I think so!

In the world of the net, there will always be someone around the steal something someone else has done!

@ Patty: good luck with your new site, looking forward to it.

Aye, hun-all the best.


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