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Was Marie ever on Drugs?

56 replies

I’ve Heard it from another roxfan from another Roxette Website!
Just wanted to know if it is true or not!

I heard she has experimented in her younger days but she’s never been a drug addict that I know of.

If I know, the only one drug she likes is coffee. Especially Czech coffee. Some Czech magazine wrote it when she was in Prague during Room Service in 2001.

Don’t forget beer, she loves beer.

I think, she smoked in her youth, didn’t she?

she once said in an interview that she tried marihuana.

What Interview?

I don’t see Coffee as a Drug!

Caffeïne is DEFINITELY a drug. So coffee is also. She smoked at least until 2000 now and then, and indeed, according to some interviews she has experimented in her youth...

Caffine is classed as a drug!

Kathrin: on a Viva interview in Germany Marie said she’s tried marijuana.

Caffiene is technically a drug but I’d hardly call a coffee drinker a drug addict...

Go to college here hun- you can spot the caffeine addicts a mile off...

*twitch* Coffee a drug? *twitch*

What *twitch are you KIDDING ME *twitch*?!?!?!


You can see when you walk through college on a winter morn all those who have had coffee, and those who haven’t, cos those who haven’t look like zombies

Sorry, where can I find the VIVA-Interview??? Reading of Watching. It doesn’t matter.

I would like to watch the Interview too if someone knows where I can find it!

No idea, it’s quite long because it’s one of those specials they do with bits of interviews and clips and stuff. Most of it is dubbed into German which I HATE because I have to sit there reading their lips to understand them. SUBTITLES PEOPLE!!!!!

@ Sparvogamarie

One question: How did you get VIVA in Australia. It’s a german channel and Australia is really far away???

@ Patty87
Video tape or DVD maybe? ;-)

@ starlover83

DVD, but the other is ok, too

LS, I wonder if anyone has ever sued Starbucks for a drug addict from Caffine....

I don’t care what anyone says I am not giving up my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now if you know the MamasBarn album, this would be a dumb q!

Oh, its one of THOSE ones...

LOL Patty, Starlover was telling you that I got Viva on VHS or DVD, not which one you prefer heheheh!!! And yes Starlover is right, I have about 28 videos that I swapped with people over the years and I have stuff from Germany, Sweden of course, Poland, Argentina, Italy, USA.

Aha, oh, my faunt. haha. I’m really stupid. Patty and technic are two different worlds. :)

I have MB but I’ve never played it....

Japeke obviously missed the sarcasm / comedy of my post, which Ally got.

You are totally right :-)

if I’m not mistaken the program in which Marie mentioned it was JAM. Still have it taped somewhere. Those were the times - we recorded VHS and then exchanged them. These days everything new (almost) is available on the net. Cool!

You’re right Gyllene, I think it was JAM! I haven’t watched it for about 5 years.

neither have I! But it was fun - they also mentioned their first sex there, however briefly :D. Wasn’t that so?

The interview was from P.I.T. They talked also about the first time. Per says that he just has tried alcohol-lots of alcohol!!Ha!HA! It was from 1990

Yeah Gyllene I almost fell off my chair when they said that! Marie is always so private, and then suddenly she’s talking about her first time!!! Even I wouldn’t talk about that in an interview!

Me neither, that would be seat squirmy territory for me...

I’d just say “That’s a personal question I won’t answer that.” I don’t get Marie at all, she says she’s so private but there are a lot of interviews where she reveals stuff that I would NEVER tell anyone!!!

Maybe cos it draws questions away from her proper private life... family and stuff...

@ Gyllene Tjej

Can you copie it of the vhs to Computer?
Cause I can not find it on the web

Comment removed by author

She smoked when she was pregant with Oscar, my friends saw her.

Well, thats up to her.

Why did she smoke when she was pregnant with Oscar, when she knew that she had to stop smoking when Josefin came?
I don’t get it!

Maybe she just went ’stuff it’. I mean, my mum smoked with me and I came out perfectly OK - the risks are there, but smoking 40 a day is gonna be more harmful than one every now and again.

What do you mean wit‘stuff it’?

Its a slang term basically meaning ’Je’nai marre’ ( or ’I’ve had enough’) @ Kathrin.

Cravings for nicotine can be extremely strong and difficult to cope with for people, I mean I know people who get cigarette cravings 20 years after they gave up

’Why did she smoke when she was pregnant with Oscar, when she knew that she had to stop smoking when Josefin came?’

And, me neither... I’m as confuzzled as you.

maybe she was....who knows?
but she is the best.

But I’ve heard from school that if you smoke while pregnancy,the Baby could get sick and Die right after the Birth or have Breathing problems!

But it’s not always that way!

At least my Friends say that!

’But I’ve heard from school that if you smoke while pregnancy,the Baby could get sick and Die right after the Birth or have Breathing problems!’

Yep -smoking while pregnant can lead to things like low birthweight and other complications because of decreased oxygen flow to the placenta during pregnancy

if you wanna know what it can do- pretty gross, but aren’t we getting a tad off track here?

Yes, we are.
Don’t you think that talking about Marie smoking during her pregnancy might be none of your business??

Got me there.

If she did drugs, its in the past, so I don’t want to dwell on it too much. Its not my problem at the end of the day

Its a bit trivial at the end of the day

Eh, technically nothing is any of our business. Gessle’s book, Marie’s’s a discussion board, if people want to discuss, let ’em!

@Sparvogamarie: IMO, there’s a difference between discussing Per’s biography, which appeared on front page, and discussing about Marie smoking or not smoking while she was pregnant. It’s not criticism towards your comment about your friends seeing Marie smoking. It’s just a remark about the little debate that appeared afterwards about the convenience of smoking during pregnancy. I think this is crossing the line a little bit.

C’mon the kid looks so healthy nowdays ...


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