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The universal fan celebration of 20 anniversary

12 replies

The universal fan celebration of 20 anniversary has began!!


The fans from Bulgaria and Russia came in Black sea cost and made some world records –like the longest singing of Roxette songs on the air-mattress in the sea..
later we go to the capital of Bulgara-Sofia and make this cake

happy birthday Roxette :-)))

That’s very sweet :) Wish I were there to enjoy the cake :)

Ha Ha I love the cake!

I feel a bit let down to be honest..... have been looking forward to this anniversary for a good few years thinking something big would come of it. God knows Marie has been through a life changing experience and im not expecting to see her preform or anything like that but a fan party or something????

This topics is about fans ,if something about Per an Marie appear, it would be on the front page ..

the point is that no matter if there will be something official ,we already started The CELEBRATION :-))))))))

“And we’re doin’ fine...” ;-))

not only with birhday party ..
yeeepp as Per said–“The Weather Gods must have taken some strange drugs. And mixed up the map.”

There were shorts storms and an hour later really hot weather...
But with powerful sunlotion and umbreallas we rented a car and travel around Bulgaria ,singing Roxette ,GT ,Marie and Soap songs on the beach, on the highest mountains and in the ancient castles ;-))))

“Hurry yea! – Call the papers, spread the word today ” –>it’s the year of Roxette ;-))))

Back to the beach..... nooo...for my pity–back to work ;-(

Emil! How are you doing? Nice to see you’re still hanging around. And how’s Dani ’Silver Eyes’ passing her time?

Hi P-p-p-pelle!!
I’m fine ,thanks! And you?
Dani is fine ,too..She chaneged her work and there no ineternet that’s why she don’t write here very often .... but as you see we are quite active ;-)))

Just gave her new Marie album ..
big THANKS to russian fans who bought and brought the album for us :-))

Are you planing something for rox20?

Send regards to others fans from your country ;-)))

We didn’t plan any huge things. But some friends will meet.

Btw I’ve uploaded the pic I took from Dani one hot night in 2004 in Stockholm.

You’d do me a great pleasure if you could get it to her. Thanks

(*link deleted*)

I love her Silver Eyes!

we’ll celebrate with a mega-party with music and alcohol , he he... but in October...

There’s some online celabrations awaiting you guys too... watch this space!!

... am curious!

I’ll have a B-Day Party(My own B-Day) in November(11.21.88) and the Theme will be Roxette!

Cool, and it’ll be your 18th too! Have a great one hun!


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