The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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TDR Fans who have been out of action for a while

19 replies

Hi Everyone

I haven’t logged in and made a comment for maybe something like 4 years - something like that anyway.

I usually just come in here (everyday I admit) and read what everyone else writes.

However with the new GH and ROXBOX being released i’m so excited!!!!! finally some new songs!!!!!!!

I am just wondering if anyone else out there just reads comments on here like I do - and doesn’t actually log in or make comments?


I guess a lot of people do...

Welcome back!

I read this page everyday and usually don’t log in...

Welcome Back, Hello Again... whatever :o)

i used to be like that , not sure what happened lol

Sometimes I can go weeks without logging in...

My husband who also a roxette fan, read this forum often but doesn’t really like to log in, so you’re not alone :)

This last six months or more, I’ve been log in and post alot, but I’m sure it’ll change when I get other things to do :)

Hey Stephen,

Im a bit of a closet member too. I check the posts nearly everyday and only rarely contribute. I guess either I couldnt be bothered or my opinions are usually already covered by someone else.

So I guess this post is rather rare then!

I’m a lurker lately as well. Lately, however, all this hype regarding the forthcoming releases has me posting more.

G’day guys.


Rain: E-MAIL ME YOU FOOL! I don’t have yours no more :(

Miss our usual “chats” :)

I have a read almost everyday, but only post now and then, just depends if there’s something interesting to reply too. :-)

I’m guessing a few users that have gone might be back now that the new releases are coming around.

Lots of out of action Australian fans by the looks of it.

Yep I’m another one - I read the posts every day but rarely comment lol ;) - we are bad Aussies lol

Hey Spooky!

Honestly, I don’t log on to AIM or any other instant messaging program much anymore. That’s probably why you never see me. My computer is in for repair right now, so my computer time may be limited (since I’m using someone else’s). However, my e-mail is in my profile here at TDR. It’s [email protected]. My AIM user name is still TheRain1981. Is yours still the same? E-mail me and let me know.

Wow there is quite a few of you....

There are I guess many more who are not registering but still read!

J: Mail call dood!

As soon as the mail program gets its butt in gear.

there few fans here in my town who act like that..some even don’t read ..and it’s normal.. cos we know eachother so well ,we communicate every day and hour–for example –i send him sms or even call them when i read some news here...
same with them..
so even if they seem to be not active fans they are quite active ..
same with some of my international friends..

it’s normal ,i guess there wil be change soon but i will urge them to make this change sooner :-)))

Like a lot other people, I post from time to time, but I have a look almost every day ...
Nice forum by the way ;-)

This is the first time I’ve been back here since like last year sometime.


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