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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Still no news about the titles of the new songs but is anyone excited? I don’t know but for me it’s always been fun to see the name of a Roxette song and then speculate in my mind what the song is like...Do you think we get brackets and long titles that we had on Son Of A Plumber?

I can’t wait, anymore!!!

I’m going crazy!! I want to know NOW!

I´m looking twentytimes per day TDR and SOAP sites. But still no news. It´s hard to wait.
Hope that official message will come soon. With new songs titles, album tracklist and later single and album sleeve. Hope for new pictures.

In 2002 official message with single name and release dates comes July 22nd.

I am not excited...

im with Ally.

A little bit, but I was more excited by this stage before Bon Jovi’s Have A Nice Day album came out. Maybe that’s telling me something??

Not really... new Tom Petty album out in a couple of weeks is more exciting! :)

It seems to me that P&M don´t want us to be excited. No messages on any site. No pics from the recordings. That´s little things that would have made the fans happy. It would also have kept the excitement up. But now, nothing.

But i guess it will come later.

id be more excited for an album, im finding hard to get to excited over 1 maybe 2 new songs ! and the rox box so far seems to be demo’s or b sides which most fans have had years (yawn !! ) SCISSOR SISTERS new album ’ta darr’ now im really looking forward to that.

I think Per must want at least some excitement if you check SOAP now you’ll see that he posted one more message reminding us about the new songs AND NOT TELLING TITLES - YET - and now even mentioning a VIDEO!!

That comes with a little add of excitement me thinks

and Jonas Akerlund is mentioned to!

A video?? I’ll believe when I see it...
And yes, it’s a bit hard to be excited when all you can expect is another greatest hits with 2 new songs (what an excess) I’m not very optimistic about a new album, since I don’t think Ms. Frediksson is very interested in being a pop star anymore. I guess she prefers making cover albums with her husband :) Something understandable, with all that she has gone through.

A small move towards ally77 & Claire’s non-excitement now...:

“We have mixed the two new Rox trax (no titles yet, sorry...) and both of them sound pretty good.”

So they haven’t decided the final titles yet or are reconsidering them...AND they sound “pretty” good. Is that the result of Roxette’s infamous overproducion in the mixing stage? Cos they used to sound “really fantastic”!

So people are already slagging off the new Rox tracks even before we’ve heard them!! Talk about giving them a chance

hm.. my guess is very late July / early August :)

I’m sure the titles are fixed for a long time already – they just don’t WANT to tell us yet. There’s something like a timetable for giving info out to the fans. Keep them hungry for more!

Don’t try to read the between the lines of Per’s words about the songs. “Pretty good” is normal swedish understatement, he doesn’t have to copy the same words for every interview! ;-)

@ pwwbounce

Nah, sorry, not slagging them off...Per’s selection of words just seemed a little odd to me...Probably just misinterpreted them. Anyway, even IF the songs don’t come out as great as I’d hoped them to - or something totally different I’d never expected I’ll be among those justifying the “new Roxette” to all those longing another CBB/Joyride type of thing :)


I’m still exited about the new songs, but not as much as I always do many years ago.

Defo not slagging off. Just not desperate to know titles etc, i will wait and buy the thing when its available. Until then im not that bothered, far too many other things going on right now for me.

Llllooonnnggg time ago I kept guessing and guessing what the songs title is, or even how the cover will looked like, I was just so obsess with it til I had dreamt bout it... but I change now, probably because I’m getting older :)

I’m not counting down the days till release, but am excited to hear some new tracks after so long.

I am still not excited...


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